I guess we'll agree to disagree......anything that tells the player how hard to hit the shot rather than the player working it out for themselves will always be a cheat in my book.
Have fun out there :)
It's nothing more than a calculator. Can I do basic fractions, division, multiplication, etc? Sure. I can get a pencil,paper, and write it out and get it done. I'd much rather grab a standard calculator and punch in the numbers. Much faster.
Same goes for wind, elevation, using Trig, Sine, Cosine. 10 wind at 30 degre * .5 (sin) = 5 drift and then 10 wind at .86 (cos) head/tail for 8.6. If a tail wind at 145Y then 8.6 *.55 (i use 65% head and 37% tail) = 4.75y off. So now we got what, 140Y aimed say 5y right? So I hit my 8i 146 @ 100% w/ full b/s. So 140 / 146 = 96% power.
The calculator simply saves you time and effort. Now you can enjoy the game much more, yes?