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YouTube Videos error

Mon, Sep 2 2019 10:17 AM (26 replies)
  • ScottHope
    10,607 Posts
    Tue, Sep 6 2016 2:11 PM

    Since the switchover to HTML5 for our videos, some of them seem to be failing. I have done some investigating and it appears to be an error in WGTs programming.

    When we post a video, the URL of the video gets edited by the forum code to make sure its format is correct for inserting into an iframe element, but this editing of the video URL appears to be removing some of the characters from the ID of certain videos.

    Below are six examples of videos (taken from the music thread) that fail to work after being posted to the forum. They do work on YouTube.

    The black URL is the one we put into the insert media dialogue box when posting to the forum, the red URL is the one that comes out the other end after being edited by the forum code and put into an iframe element in the forum HTML. 

    I would like WGT to look very closely at the differences in the VIDEO IDs (the bold large characters at the end of the video URL) for each of the six videos below, you will see they are different in each case and this is why they fail to work after being posted. (The watch/embed difference in the code is irrelevant).

    Thank you.

  • ScottHope
    10,607 Posts
    Wed, Sep 7 2016 5:37 AM

    A response from any mod would be appreciated, just so I know I've reached my target audience, thank you.

  • flogger20
    150 Posts
    Wed, Sep 7 2016 9:54 AM

    Why is the week 37 uneven lies touir closed for new entries already , it isd only the 7th and should be open till the 11th?

  • ScottHope
    10,607 Posts
    Thu, Sep 8 2016 9:43 AM

    Looking into this a little more. my findings are that if the video ID starts with one or more of the following characters...

    a  A  c  C  h  H  t  T  v  V  w  W

    ...then it will not work after it has been posted.

    The video ID is the 11 random characters at the end of the video URL...

    If anyone has posted a video on their blog or in the forum that does not work, and gets the error screen A (below) when trying to play it, you might like to check the video ID, (not the Playback ID on the error screen) to see if it begins with any of the characters (in blue) listed above. If you get the error screen B (below) when trying to play it, that means the video is no longer available and the error is not caused by WGT.

  • ScottHope
    10,607 Posts
    Thu, Sep 8 2016 2:01 PM

    I've just had a light bulb moment, lol. The characters I listed that are causing the videos to fail...

    a  A  c  C  h  H  t  T  v  V  w  W

    ...are the same characters (ignoring the case) that are between the .com/ and the ID of the video URL...

    ...okay, there is an equals sign and question mark in there as well but as I have never seen those in a video ID, I never included them in the list of characters. But, putting them in the video ID just to test it, also causes the video to fail.

    So, the code that WGT is using to convert the video URL we use to post a video...

    ...into the one they use to put in an iframe element to put in the forum...

    ...appears to be searching for the characters 'w, a, t, c, h, ?, v, =' and removing them from the video URL, but it's also removing those characters if they occur at the front of the video ID, and if that happens, the video will fail because it won't have 11 ID characters.

    Okay WGT, I've given you enough clues, it's up to you to mend it now!

  • sdorr
    650 Posts
    Fri, Sep 9 2016 8:51 AM

    Okay WGT, I've given you enough clues, it's up to you to mend it now!

    Ya Scott, BUT, are the beans ready yet? Break time is not over yet for the WGT staff and profits are off the fricking chart. DUDE, I am sorry to be the ambassador of bad news, but they don't care about this (LITTLE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM). Scott, my friend, that would mean that WGT would have to ADMIT that they made an error in programming. BITE YOUR TONGUE YOU MISFIT TROLL! How dare you to open a festering wound to find and observe the source that wrecks with the putrid stench that clings to the walls of hell!!!!!!!!!!!

    I digress, how is everybody? I am happy and retired no longer letting this stupid game mess with me. It is messing with you Scott and let me tell you friend, life is way to short to be messing with this BS. You have a great mind and the ability to figure this crap out, unfortunate that it is wasted on WGT's under minded IQ staff.


  • ScottHope
    10,607 Posts
    Fri, Sep 9 2016 10:07 AM
    I know this problem isn't really important in the scheme of things, but I do think WGT have done a fair job of transferring the videos over to HTML5, and achieved it without changing the method we use to post them, that has saved what could have been a confusing time. On the downside we have lost the ability to autoplay, hide/show the controls, make playlists or play just part of a video instead of the whole thing, but things can change, technology moves along very fast.

    I try not to let the game mess with me and my 'great mind' (not sure about that one, lol) and hopefully I might get some response from WGT about this in the not too distant future, else I might have to push it in their direction.

    Glad to hear you're happy and doing okay m8, take care and thanks.
  • sdorr
    650 Posts
    Fri, Sep 9 2016 10:34 PM

    hopefully I might get some response from WGT about this in the not too distant future

    Scotty, Dear Lad, the eternal dreamer. Don't hold your breath else ye shall parish and pass away and in doing so, truly fuc up all of the hard work of WGT's stats guru who has promised the big boss an estimated 35,000,000,000,000,000.024567% bump in revenue this week!

    Baring, of course any

    fair job of transferring the videos over to HTML5, and achieved it without changing the method we use to post them,

    Will this get anyones attention? NOOOOOOOOOOOO, Can not buy that magic bus, can't have it.

    Have a nice day.

  • TopShelf2010
    10,968 Posts
    Sat, Sep 10 2016 2:02 AM


  • ScottHope
    10,607 Posts
    Sat, Sep 10 2016 4:25 AM
    Thank you for those kind words Don.

    Time to prod a mod.  : )