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Live and Let Golf CC New Members info

rated by 0 users
Thu, Sep 8 2016 12:12 PM (0 replies)
  • quadrock123
    859 Posts
    Thu, Sep 8 2016 12:12 PM

    Welcome to all the new members that have joined the CC, thanks to WGT posting our CC as the featured CC of the month.It is imperrative that you read the "Welcome aboard New Members" located in the CC Forum. There you will be introduced to the rules/regulations pertaining to this cc. Since im sure all WGT members will get this, yoiu,as a new member, have no excuses for not complying or at least reading, the rules, that have been posted in our forum. Let me make this perfectly clear: If you are a casual golfer(playing a few times a month) dont join our CC. We are only interested in those golfers that play at a minimum of 3 times a week wherein the FRee passes given by WGT, are used properly to give the CC the most points, by each member. Its not fair to the top 8 members to accumulate all the points,while all enjoy the bennifits of leveling up. Next: i am having to send out Friend Requests, on a daily basis, to the same people. I find this a complete waste of my time. So,as of today, every member, regardless of Tier, will be put in the "recruit" mode until the FR's have been accepted. You will remain there for 2 weeks. If you havent accepted my FR"s by then, you will be removed from our cc immediately without notice. You are getting that notice now.I cant communicate with you any other way, so please help me help you by accepting the FR"s ASAP. To the rest of the new members, We are glad to have you, and check out my profile page for some of the trophies you can earn. Also, we have CC Tournys every day, for all members. Enjoy                                                yours truely, Mike(quadrock123) Owner