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My 64 Wedge

rated by 0 users
Fri, Sep 23 2016 3:33 PM (31 replies)
  • GitUsummaDis
    468 Posts
    Fri, Sep 23 2016 3:27 PM

    @ Getsummadis

    I'll finish up the L8 Mapping for Punch, Full, Pitch, and flop in a day or two and send it to ya.  And like we talked about in our games last night, it goes all the way down to 5y. 

    cheers.  sean


    Thanks bro! :)

  • GitUsummaDis
    468 Posts
    Fri, Sep 23 2016 3:33 PM



     Would you take into account the depth of the rough for the 20yds or with the half meter 30yds then account for the rough?

    Good question.

    The distance shown for a short wedge shot is arbitrary - since we will have to add 6 yards to a 20 yard wedge to get that 20 yards.   The new figure is 26 and I would then add for the rough. This can and should be expressed as a percentage of that new figure - this may well be 30% - 

    That answers my question. I have multipliers already set for rough and sand for example: 20yds we hit 26 to get the 20. If i'm in 30/40 rough I would use the 26 and multiply by 1.15 for 30/40. And so on depending on the depth my ball is buried. Thanks again! :)