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Tour Pro to Master to Tour Master ???

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Sun, Jun 30 2019 1:38 PM (28 replies)
  • jessek12
    102 Posts
    Tue, Sep 27 2016 6:10 AM


    You're so wise alosso.

    My next equipment purchase is an iron set I have my eye on but they're at L83+. Then wedges. I figure with better irons = more GIR's = to hell with wedges (lol) I mean the less i'll need them.

    For what it's worth, I just upgraded my irons this weekend (well, I had "upgraded" to the L69 Ping i25s which was a huge mistake) but did my wedges as soon as I could. If I were you, I'd ride those G25s until at least L85. The Cleveland wedges at L76, 78, and 80 will improve your game so much more than a new set of irons. Get em as you level up and have the free rentals so you save 159 credits on each.

    Also, maybe you could save some credits on your ball by switching the L33 Callaway. Nikes are great, but also pricey and if you're looking to save up some credits, the L33 Callaway is very highly regarded and only 250 per sleeve vs. 400 for your Nike.

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Tue, Sep 27 2016 6:38 AM

    +1 Alosso.   Better wedges will make more difference. 

    When thinking about your next set of irons I would consider the Nike Vapor Flys @ lvl 85 instead of the Pings at lvl 83.  Look at the differences in distance, precision and spin.  Not to mention the slightly slower meter.  It takes about 43,000 more XP's to reach lvl 85.

    Looking at your scoring history, as far as when you advanced  to Master, it was sometime between 09/17/16 when you played in a tour pro bracket and 09/20/16 when you played in the week 39 18 hole single play as a master .  There are 6 rounds in CC tournaments between those two.  Perhaps by looking at them you can remember when you tiered up.

    Good luck and enjoy the game.


  • davefuller1
    1,498 Posts
    Tue, Sep 27 2016 10:08 AM


    Worst thing i did was wait on good wedges while learning the game. Good driver, nice irons are key, but in windy conditions and tough courses the wedge game, same in real life is the ticket to saving those scores. Buy the highest rated wedges you can and enjoy seeing it stop on a dime bud.

    Good luck in your quest.

    One more thing if i might add,, Fantasy Bay is a small but friendly club. Got some of the best players around and happy to share experiences and advice. Look us up if your still hunting a club.


  • GitUsummaDis
    468 Posts
    Tue, Sep 27 2016 4:33 PM

    Man oh man you guys love to type don't you. LOL

    tbh I was just thinking when I got up it's gonna be a while before I get to a high enough level for a solid iron set. 

    Someone said something about a slower meter. I do better with a 2.5 or 3.0 meter. My reflexes are to good for anything slower.

    I will look into those wedges. That'll get me by while improving my game until I'm up there higher to get the iron set.

    My thinking was that, although wedges are important as well, that I just don't use my wedges that much except right around the green and on long par 5's that I can't get there in 2 and short par 4's. These G25's aren't forgiving enough. I can ding with them and i'm 10' to 15' from the pin but on SOME occasions I'm within 3'- 10'. .

    @ Dave. I'm not looking. I just joined Majestic Mountain CC and they are the 2nd best, statistic wise, club on WGT and I like them too.

    Thank you all for your input. I'm going to look at wedges now. LOL


  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Tue, Sep 27 2016 6:12 PM

    Majestic Mountain CC and they are the 2nd best, statistic wise, club on WGT

    Curious question: Which statistics?

    I know about the Clashes, but I wouldn't accept that as a proof of quality.

  • GitUsummaDis
    468 Posts
    Tue, Sep 27 2016 6:35 PM


    Majestic Mountain CC and they are the 2nd best, statistic wise, club on WGT

    Curious question: Which statistics?

    I know about the Clashes, but I wouldn't accept that as a proof of quality.

    I'm not gonna go down this road. I would never ask anyone to join our club if they already belong to a club. That's just un-couth. I'm happy where I am that's all that matters. 

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Wed, Sep 28 2016 5:03 AM

    Out of respect to your CC, any other CC and their actions:

    Wise man deletes what he thinks of stats which can't be named.
    And BTW: There ain't no official stats on Clash Events. Results disappear in Nirwana.

    Also, invites to your CC wasn't even in discussion.

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Wed, Sep 28 2016 5:12 AM

    Hey G,

    Regarding meter speed, the Nike lvl 85 irons are the same meter speed you have on the Ping lvl 59's you are using now.  Forgiveness, and spin are much better.  Most people feel they are as big a game changer at that level as the G25 set is at its level.

    As far as an invite to a CC, some people offer them in passing.  Many players remain a member in a CC they are not happy with, not wanting to get a reputation for jumping from club to club.  So keep that in mind regarding the offer in this post.  That offer was extended in good sportsmanship I think, not to poach you.  If you are happy where you are, thats what counts.  Good Luck and Enjoy membership there.


  • DCLwilson1971
    1 Posts
    Wed, Sep 28 2016 5:43 AM

    good to know


  • Vaibhav5viv
    886 Posts
    Wed, Sep 28 2016 2:17 PM

    I do better with a 2.5 or 3.0 meter.

    That brings the L75 Speedblades right into it with 4 wedges set up.