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Sat, Oct 8 2016 8:01 AM (18 replies)
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  • joesmith007
    5 Posts
    Tue, Sep 27 2016 11:41 AM



  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Tue, Sep 27 2016 4:32 PM

    Hi , My name is OPY and  also kinda of new here in WGT land . 

    But i sure have enjoyed the ride so far . 

  • pipala
    887 Posts
    Tue, Sep 27 2016 5:01 PM

    I don't generally post a great deal in here and have seen so many of these threads started by new players, but i've had a few beers and thought i'd pitch in on this one. I doubt there's one player in this game that didn't feel this way at the beginning, I know I did.

    After a couple of months of playing I just couldn't see for the life of me how players were posting the scores that I saw every day, it just didn't add up. I couldn't reach a lot of greens in regulation and when I did if I managed to get the ball in the hole in 3 or 4 putts I was doing well. BUT, something kept me coming back day in day out and i'm glad it did. I took the time to read the endless pages of solid advice posted by so many in this forum and very slowly treble bogeys became double bogeys because I had taken the time to learn the game. Over time I found myself making pars and I was hooked.

    It's a golf simulation and does a pretty good job of it if you ask me. The game has it's faults and it's not perfect but if you're willing to invest the time it can be very rewarding. However, it's a steep learning curve and many will not be willing to invest the time that it takes to become decent enough to take pleasure from it. The ones that can't be bothered come in here and complain about it. The game may need some work but I think your game may need a lot more, if you're willing to put that in you may eventually get some enjoyment from it.

    Add some more friends and listen to those that have taken the time to learn, there is a lot of very sound advice in here from those people, dismiss it if you wish and move on, but from someone that has put the hours in you may miss out on more than you realise. I'm far from great at this game but if i'm honest i'd be a little lost without it these days, i've met some mighty fine people along the way and made some great friends.

    Now where did I put my pint lol



  • K7JBQ
    1,469 Posts
    Tue, Sep 27 2016 8:56 PM

    Dang, I wish I could write as well after a few beers.

  • Highglove
    56 Posts
    Tue, Sep 27 2016 9:17 PM

    I'm far from an expert, but looking at your profile I see a couple of things. One, I would recommend upgrading your 3 wood, irons and wedges. I know, a lot of players say they made it to Master and even Tour Master using the provided equipment, and I don't doubt them in the least, but I for one can't see how they did. I know it costs credits, but it's a start. I also noticed that your fairways hit is 76.07%, with GIR at 38.27%. You need to work on hitting fairways, even if you have to use your 3 wood to do it. No one, not even the best players, can score consistently hitting out of the rough, particularly the heavy stuff. When you get in the rough  just concentrate on moving the ball down the fairway. Use your wedge if you have to. Eventually, through practice, you'll begin to get a feel for what you can and can't do. I would suggest trying some punch shots in practice rounds. I notice also that you have 40 ranked rounds played. I don't know how many practice rounds, but it took me well over 200 ranked before I vaguely began to comprehend what I was doing on the greens, and I'm still woefully weak outside of 5 feet, particularly in the 10-20 foot range. Use the search in the forum, and you'll find plenty of suggestions on reading greens. Try them all. You'll find some work for you, and some won't. Each person is an individual, and has to do what's right for them. You'll also find plenty of suggestions on getting out of traps in a reasonable manner, along with various strategies. We've all been at your point. It'll get better.

  • MalleeHacka
    3,576 Posts
    Tue, Sep 27 2016 9:28 PM

    Pipala, well said! Yes, there are things wrong with WGT, but nothing's perfect in this world!

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Wed, Sep 28 2016 2:37 AM


    It's a golf simulation and does a pretty good job of it if you ask me.

    I agree, it shouldn't be too easy to master, there's no fun if it is.

    I also signed up, played a few rounds of CTTH, failed to get anywhere near a green, never mind the hole and gave up after a few days.  Several weeks later I came back and got stuck into learning how to play the game properly.  It takes time, just like any real life sport does and that's the beauty of it for me.

    Joe, I see you have the very low level wedges, they're always going to struggle to get the ball out of heavy or even medium rough, especially if you don't play the right shot.

    You haven't specified how you try getting out of rough but I can give you a few tips.  Firstly, never, ever try to chip out, even if you're right beside the green.  I use the pitch shot but my wedges are also a lot better than yours, I honestly don't know how this will work for you. I also only use my 64° to pitch, never the longer ones.  A punch shot is also good for getting out of rough safely, in fact the punch is a shot you really have to learn, use it with your wedges and it's like having an extra set of them with you.

    If you have a long way to go to reach the green don't try to get there, choose a safe area of fairway close to you and play to there.  It's better to take a bogie playing it safe than go for glory and make a triple bogie or worse. 

    I hope you reconsider and give the game another chance, it's worth the effort you put into it.  Don't be disheartened seeing others shoot scores 20 or 30 shots better than you can manage, we were all there once and wondered how on Earth those scores were being made.  Experience and equipment is the answer in almost all the cases.

    I'll send you a friend request, hopefully we can get a game in some time and I can try to help you out on the course.  Meanwhile have a read through some of the tips here, there's a hell of a lot and it can seem daunting but there are some real gems to be found here.

  • craigswan
    32,353 Posts
    Wed, Sep 28 2016 2:41 AM

    meter seems fine to me .

  • jessek12
    102 Posts
    Wed, Sep 28 2016 6:16 AM


    I don't understand, how you could have a game that so easy to play and looks so good and plays so badly.  How about doing something about the meter that is so inaccurate, golf grid that doesn't work to putt by.  I never seen where if you land in a trap or on a side of hill, or in the rough, or heavy rough it takes you 10 shots to get out of. Even the worst of players can get out of this stuff at least in 3 strokes.   I have played your game now going on just about 21/2 months.  I play every day and have just about decided not to play this game anymore.  Your game needs that much work.  Please shut it down and fix problems. So it's more enjoyable or do something.  I would luv to keep playing, but it takes the fun from game when all the above keeps happening.  Thank you

    Since you didn't provide any specifics on the inaccurate meter and golf grid that doesn't work for putting, I'll interpret those on my own. My sense is that you are 10 ft away, level, from the hole, and let's say you're using a the 20ft putter. Your instinct is to hit it 50%? The green speed also influences how hard to hit the putt. It could be as little as 37% on Champ 13 greens, all the way up to 55% on Slow 7.4 greens. This is just based on my calculation, might be slightly different. 

    Again, since you didn't provide details, not sure if this addresses your issue. However, if you'd like to clarify with specific questions/issues either here or via message, happy to try and help.

    - Jesse

  • PhilEStein
    1,269 Posts
    Wed, Sep 28 2016 11:37 AM

    Hello Joe.

    First of all, count to ten slowly and do ten deep, slow breaths to release the stress and tension you are obviously feeling. You cannot play golf either online or IRL if you are stewing inside.

    There is so much to learn in this excellent game but the main attributes you need are patience and the willingness to want to learn and improve. This is basically done by reading, re-reading and reading again all the advice offered throught these forums. This is not your standard shoot 'em up, it is far more involved and you will not conquer this game overnight, if ever, but you can improve your average score in a relatively short time if taking on board the advice offered.

    I don't know your financial status but you do need to generally upgrade your clubs but rather than do it all immediately I would advise you just to buy the L31 Cleveland 64 wedge and a box of Cally L1 balls. Those coupled with the two sheets I am going to send you, I guarantee you will see instant improvement.

    I too will add you to my friends list and I'm always about so please give me a call anytime if you want a game.

    The sheets should be self explanatory but if you have any questions then drop me a message.

    ATB, Phil

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