Hi Ya Joe
PhilEStein:First of all, count to ten slowly and do ten deep, slow breaths to release the stress and tension you are obviously feeling. You cannot play golf either online or IRL if you are stewing inside.
This is what I call Hack Amateur Itis, I experienced this by seeing players in these tiers and above having outstanding Avg's. It was not until a year later talking with a good friend from WGT that they were retread players they started over with a new account peace of mind. The Game is hard to learn at first and will be a learning experience till the day you stop playing the game if not it would not be fun to play.
Joe I would like to throw my two cents in for what it is worth, Like you I found the game hard frustrating and i want to stop playing for all the reasons you described above, have patents it will get better. I spent time reading and watching videos on how to play the game from the WGT lessons to players of WGT on you tube, I took what I wanted to use for the type of game I wanted to play.
I also spent a lot of time taking surveys and watching videos for credits to get better clubs and balls these items will help your game and make playing it much more enjoyable, Phil has some good advice on what to start out with.
Something else you might want to try, stop playing for just a day or two when you find yourself overwhelmed, The break will do you and your brain good. When you come back and play you will find that things that were hard now seem to be easier. Do this when you feel like you have hit a wall in your game play, sometimes you just got to walk away for awhile it helps.
Just one more thing your swing and putting meter is divided by ten increments so if you are using a 30ft putt meter then every line is 3ft this will translate across the board for all your clubs on the swing meter as well based on there Avg. including the type of shot you choose to use, distance accounting for the type of ball you use and the wind, It will come down to feel, also when you are putting.
Joe hang in there and have fun and do not worry about what others are doing in there game, play for yourself play to have fun play to meet nice people all over the world. Peace and Good Golf.