I give up. For now, I give up. I don't know.
Didn't work out.
I'll think about thinkin' the next time I think about thinkin'. Whatever.....
billh, If you post something like "I'm billh021! I don't understand what you are saying! I haven't the slightest of clues! I didn't ask to be singled out as a gift recipient! I am as confused as you know I am.......
And, billh.........You posted 7 posts.
And not in the right topic. I will give you a chance for redemption. I will never allow myself to gift you a sleeve of balls that your clubs will make fun of. I will, however......ummmm, how shall I say........gift you a wedge that doesn't make me cringe because of my knee jerk reflex.
I ain't sittin' on Credit Mountain. If yer gonna accept my offer, yer gonna hafta figure out how to. I'm dodgin' pocket lint to work this one out. Change is elusive and I'm out of patients.
Even a simple "Hello!"
It is not free. It's on my terms. You do not have to ask anything. Just say anything.
In fact, if you just said (typed) anything you will be rewarded by me never bothering you again. You get a club, AND I will leave you alone!
Renew my Faith in My own ignorance. Get it.......Please.
I'm frustrated.