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lost balls

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Sat, Oct 8 2016 6:59 PM (17 replies)
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  • hedy289
    2 Posts
    Wed, Oct 5 2016 8:35 PM

    Hey guys, i've never made a post but sometimes i do read them. Today i read a few about how difficult it is to get credits if you don't buy them. Well i've bought my share of credits and also blurted out some harsh and disturbing language on surveys and videos that still owes me many credits for time wasted. however, after saying that, i'll make my point. 

     WGT has put a lot of money in making this game look and act like the real thing and i'm sure they are getting very well paid for it.  I, like many more i'm sure, have put quite a few dollars in this game as well, and in doing so i would like to be treated fairly for it. I have played many real games of golf on real golf courses and i've hit many a ball in the trees, shrubs, yes, even the water, and "voila" yes, i've found them. but can you believe that on WGT i have not ever retrieved a single ball.  Even, just to make it fair so they can still make their extra dollars, if they gave back fifty percent it would be better than a total loss every time. To be honest, I spend more money on wgt balls than i do in the real world due to the fact that they wear out much faster and get lost every time i hit a bad shot. Now i know this is menial, but there must be some people who agree with me and understand my frustration.

    There, now i've vented and feel much better. Thanks for listening.

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Thu, Oct 6 2016 4:00 PM

    Didn't read, but can guess the gist.

    We cannot caper about on a WGT golf course. While it is a nicely realistic online golf game, it is still an online golf game well removed from real life.

    Here is some cheese that would go well with your whine:

    Camembert Le Chatelain (8.8 ounce)

  • Dougie4042
    4,410 Posts
    Thu, Oct 6 2016 5:09 PM


    Here is some cheese that would go well with your whine:

    Camembert Le Chatelain (8.8 ounce)

    $7.99?  I'll pass.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Oct 6 2016 5:40 PM

    There, now i've vented and feel much better. Thanks for listening.

    I did read it and I hope it did make you feel better.

    I do understand your frustrations, but unlike real golf where you will often find another ball whilst looking for yours, this is hard to program in a game.

    I did suggest a long time ago, to soften the blow for a lost ball, a random partly used ball was put into your bag....but obviously in the too hard basket or would cost them some revenue.

    The good news is it is a great game, and we directly control on how much we want to spend. Yes frustrating at times and nothing wrong with a vent.

  • SidersBest
    873 Posts
    Thu, Oct 6 2016 7:41 PM

    I agree with you, Alanti it's good to vent, when I think about all the green fees that I have saved and would have had to pay if playing these courses for real. I think my cousin told me that it cost him $125 to play Pebble Beach, and I think I read that St. Andrews cost about the same. I played Cabo back in the early 2000s and back the GFs was $75. And just think I was B***hing about not being able to loose my best balls when accepting a Friends Challenge.

    Hedy, if you're paying too much for balls, buy cheaper balls. but I'll bet if you find balls in real golf, you don't find enough to pay your GFs. So let's continue to play for free and buy the balls we can afford to loose.

    Siders Best

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Fri, Oct 7 2016 9:23 AM

    I hope you do feel better.

    Should WGT be willing and able to implement  such a "ball finding" program it may well cost the company a lot of lost revenue.

    If they start putting free, partially used balls back in people's inventory they will raise the price of every new sleeve of balls to offset it. Prices being what they are, would the majority of users be willing to accept a price increase in exchange for getting an occasional, partly used random ball that doesn't have the same attributes as the ball they have mapped and use regularly? I don't think so. Heavy users will adjust their ball selection downward to the budget they've allotted to this game. WGT loses some upset regular customers in the process and it loses income from ball sales.

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Fri, Oct 7 2016 10:31 AM

    They did, long ago, give you the chance of finding a ball while in the rough.  If I recall correctly you actually found a sleeve, not that it ever happened to me but this was something they tried.

    Only for a short time though.

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Fri, Oct 7 2016 11:07 AM

    Initially, I was wondering why "Lost balls" was a thread in community Introductions?

    I'm a bit surprised you have never made comment on the hundreds (thousands?) of subjects which must have flowed through this forum in 60 months; but only you can decide what is important enough to merit your opinion.

    I agree with the majority of posters. The game is what it is. A cheap hobby regardless of any perceived warts; so enjoy it accordingly.:)




  • BubbaCrusher007
    1,567 Posts
    Fri, Oct 7 2016 1:05 PM

    I just had a ball bounce OB & the whole incident was complete BS! How the hell does a ball bounce 50 yrds. out of the grass next to a sand trap? Like a fkn rocket this this bounds OB and bran new ball bye bye.

    If I hit a bad shot I can  take my medicine  and kiss it goodbye but this kind of crrap is total BS!@#$

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Fri, Oct 7 2016 1:38 PM

    Sounds like one of my shots at Tierra del Sol in California City last month. It hit a greenside sprinkler head and rocketed left over the fence. That one may still be rolling down California City Blvd. 

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