b0geybuster: Disadvantage? It's a small price to pay for the yardage advantage.
I feel the question is why.. as stated. But also my why. Why are we playing and paying for a game that really cares nothing about what you or I want. This question is getting harder to avoid for me and as such I have decided that the only real answer is to stop paying.
This was really decided by the game site when i tried to spend real money on fake clubs and was denied. Now if the site is so damaged or geared to their needs that we can't even give away our money what makes you think they are doing anything at all to address our wants or needs.
I doubt that this post even meets the world so delete away big brother but if they post its only cause that forum is only here to create the illusion that someone cares about what you think.
They could make it so you can only play with those on your tier OR avything else they wanted to do. Everything is the way it is because thats how they want it and they dont care if you know it. Why don't they care... cause they know you will never stop playing or paying in protest.
Now if you all stopped coming here for a month you would see a world of change as their advert dollars and your cash started to vanish. But till then you will be playing on overloaded servers that will crash fail and error out.
And till Jesus returns they will blame your settings and cache.. good luck with all that providing you even get to read the truth. Icon will probably delete this personally.. lol