eriepamarty: Any suggestions on a decent 3 wood.
I would leave the 3w alone for now and just get some wedges. Why? Cause the L41 one is only 232y, costs 900 cr and has a fast meter. Not much of an upgrade to your driver.
I would get a set of 3 wedges for now:
ping gorge 60 wedge l42.aspx?i=0786b65c 629b 48ed a39c c39f32f28345
taylormade atv 64 wedge l39.aspx?i=0056fb16 b029 40f2 a9a1 7bb4c807e157
ping gorge 52 wedge l41.aspx?i=d9b2a968 fda6 4683 ba77 4026da721af2
You may as well only get the 75 and 50y ones, but that 3rd 100y wedge will help you a lot on approaches from 85 to 110y, works much better than your starter iron kit. Plus all three will fit any future iron set you purchase.
I'd wait with the rest for the L48 TM driver and L58 G25 3w and L59 G25 irons.
Those are the only clubs worth spending money on, before you reach L80+. And this set can easily serve you to legend and beyond.
You'll have to get used to the much faster meter though, whatever you decide to buy. So you might want to invest some in better balls (slower meter, more spin, etc).
I'd get the wedges only, play ranked and practice rounds, be honest and dedicated, then wait for the Christmas giveaway and let the community know, what your wishes are. I'm sure, if you do it the right way, someone will grant you your wish ;-)
P.S.: I'd gift you the wedges right now, but I just can't with only 1 ranked round under your belt. I already gifted too many people, who turned out to not be serious and just stopped playing in 2 weeks. Those credits could've been spent helping someone much more dedidated. Nothing personal, just how I feel.