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Earning credits

Thu, Mar 26 2020 12:30 PM (47 replies)
  • CEverett12
    14,177 Posts
    Thu, Nov 24 2016 9:33 AM

    There seems to be many issues concerning the free credit situation , I'm getting a lot of complaints from members , Apparently the system has problems , Its hard to say where the problems lie or who is to blame , Is it the sponsors or is it WGT ?   I have read many threads regarding the issue of free credits so I believe its wide spread , Is there a solution ? I don't know . Some people need the free credit offers to buy balls Etc.  I understand that .

    I'm sure costumer service has heard all about it ,  I'm sure the Mods have heard all about it , Perhaps its out of their hands ?  Maybe there is nothing we can say or do to impact the situation ?  However I have been asked to address the WGT community and get what ever input I can ,  Thank you all ...........................ceverett12

  • CEverett12
    14,177 Posts
    Thu, Nov 24 2016 9:42 AM
    MTM72 United States
    145 Posts
    11-23-2016 11:02 AM

    Anybody else having problems with the free videos?  Lots of "Sorry" messages darn few videos.  In 15 minutes only managed 16 credits or 8 videos.  The same whether I use android phone or tablet.  In fact on tablet in 5 minutes of trying I got zero videos.  The ball kitty is getting in dire straights!


  • CEverett12
    14,177 Posts
    Thu, Nov 24 2016 9:43 AM
    bigghost66 United States
    131 Posts
    11-23-2016 8:00 PM

    I'm in Kansas and have had problems for about a week now . Contacted WGT support and got sorry about problems but told me to contact and report problem to them . I have all kinds of trouble trying to get there support . Only reply I've gotten from FYBER was from person in sales telling me to contact support ,  can't find right email or phone number . I'm at a loss right now and WGT hasn't answered my 2nd request for help...Rick 

  • CEverett12
    14,177 Posts
    Thu, Nov 24 2016 9:45 AM
    enzzer United States
    354 Posts
    11-23-2016 12:03 PM

    I am with you Mike. It has been like pulling teeth to get credits the last month or two. If I am patient and really work at it, I can get 50-75 credits a day. It is more like 20-50 on average, but days like today, I'm lucky to get 20.  Pretty f*%#ing frustrating! I would love to get back to the point where I earn enough credits to make donations to the club, but WGT and advertising partners can't get their s*#t together. Not sure how to fix the problem...

  • enzzer
    582 Posts
    Thu, Nov 24 2016 10:22 AM

    There is a big fundamental problem with the current free credit system and it needs to be addressed. To effectively compete in this game, having good equipment is a must! 700 credits for a sleeve of three golf balls that last about 5-10 rounds, 3500 credits for a good driver, or 4000 credits for a nice set of irons requires consistent virtual revenue, and a few months ago that revenue demand was being met by watching a large quantity of free credit videos found in the WGT mobile application. Over the last couple of months however, that process has come to a drastic slowdown. Where it was common to sit down for an hour or so, and earn 200-300 credits to keep pace with the demand of credit required to play this game, it has become a reality to maybe earn 25-50 credits in the same period of time. I have found it commonplace to get one "good video" out of 10 "sorry" prompts attempting to earn my 2 credits. I have not the time or patience to waste attempting to keep up with the pace this game requires to accelerate my skill level, and afford to keep my equipment comfortably stocked. If anyone on the WGT technical team, or marketing team is by chance reading this post, or anyone that knows anyone high up n the WGT chain is reading this post....PLEASE DO SOMETHING TO HELP FIX THIS PROBLEM. If you are reading this, and don't have any clout like me, but are experiencing similar issues, please voice your concerns. Strength in numbers? I am coming to the conclusion, if WGT doesn't get this straightened out, I personally will stop playing this game that I have become so very fond of. I certainly will not spend my hard earned paycheck on credits that should, in my opinion, be provided in large part by WGT and its sponsors.



  • chicagohorn
    90 Posts
    Sun, Dec 4 2016 1:32 PM

    I haven't seen any of the four and five credit videos since the end of October. I agree it's hard to get 25 or more credits a day now.

  • katie012345
    213 Posts
    Sun, Dec 4 2016 1:47 PM

    I have lost well over 400 credits to the 6 free adds you can watch a day. i message the ad company and they do not respond at all. Plus when i try surveys before i answer 1 question they say i do not qualify ?? How do you explain that?

  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Sun, Dec 4 2016 3:11 PM

    We've had dry spells in the past, but I don't remember one going this long. 

    I've never even seen an offer from Fyber or True[X]. I've been dependent on Supersonic and Livegamer. SS is down to as few as 9 or 10 per day. LG is just the 7 views. I haven't seen the 5 view offers in about 6 weeks. Trial Pay which was pretty generous for a while is all but worthless. 

    I still have a fair amount of reserve, but have had to curtail much of my CC tourney sponsorships. If this keeps up, I'll have to quit them altogether. 

    The surveys at Peanut Labs are still pretty good. I usually find time to slog one in every other day or so. 

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Mon, Dec 5 2016 8:28 AM


    We've had dry spells in the past, but I don't remember one going this long. 

    I've never even seen an offer from Fyber or True[X]. I've been dependent on Supersonic and Livegamer. SS is down to as few as 9 or 10 per day. LG is just the 7 views. I haven't seen the 5 view offers in about 6 weeks. Trial Pay which was pretty generous for a while is all but worthless. 

    I still have a fair amount of reserve, but have had to curtail much of my CC tourney sponsorships. If this keeps up, I'll have to quit them altogether. 

    The surveys at Peanut Labs are still pretty good. I usually find time to slog one in every other day or so. 

    +1 Totally agree with you Jim pretty much in the same boat with you . I havent seen a video by Supersonic since Saturday night .Fyber has always been a rip off so I dont even waste my time with them . True X hasnt shown a video in over a year and Trial Pay is a struggle .

    The ads should start to pick up now since its the holiday season you would think . I too am sitting good on reserve credits but still want to keep that going . Guess we will just have to wait and see what comes around the corner . If push comes to shove I can always play with the rock or play with the Tour SD balls . Only time will tell .


  • fairground11
    1,211 Posts
    Mon, Dec 5 2016 12:46 PM

    welcome to my world all of you


    since the day i joined this site all i have ever got is the 7 carousel views a day


    you dont know how lucky you have been till now