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Earning credits

Thu, Mar 26 2020 12:30 PM (47 replies)
  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Mon, Dec 5 2016 3:57 PM


    welcome to my world all of you


    since the day i joined this site all i have ever got is the 7 carousel views a day


    you dont know how lucky you have been till now

    Oh I know how lucky I am . Been playing the game now for over 5 years and have never spent a penny out of pocket . I have the top clubs and decent balls and really no problems with the game .

    The fact that players outside of the US getting credits is harder because you are outside of the sponsors market . They arent going to advertise where their products arent being sold . You would think that WGT would at least award credits with the cdp bonus as another means to encourage play . But that would bw too much like being right .


  • MalleeHacka
    3,576 Posts
    Mon, Dec 5 2016 4:28 PM


    Im in Australia, so I suppose the situation might be different to the locations. However, the ads carousel has never worked for me and TrueX is most often blank. Over the last couple of days I've seen a couple of TrueX offers for 3 credits, but when I've used them they never pay off.

    I've had some success with surveys, but often you get the message that your not suitable after answering one or two questions, but the thing that really 'gets up my nose' with some surveys is that you get well into one and then it tells you that you don't qualify.

    In my early days with WGT [just in from August this year] I could regularly get 60 - 80 credits a day just by watching videos, but now, if I get 15 - 20 I've done well.

    It's obviously a decision by WGT to get users to spend more money, which I suppose from their point of view as a business, is understandable.


  • fourdude
    1,311 Posts
    Mon, Dec 5 2016 5:05 PM


    I haven't seen any of the four and five credit videos since the end of October. I agree it's hard to get 25 or more credits a day now.

    I am having the same issues.

  • johnabel1234
    146 Posts
    Mon, Dec 5 2016 5:22 PM

    Same problem here.

  • signal3
    12 Posts
    Mon, Dec 5 2016 8:11 PM

    agree problem for months

  • borntobesting
    9,747 Posts
    Mon, Dec 5 2016 11:12 PM

    Get the WGT mobile. On my the main screen is the earn free credit button 

    when that loads there is a credit reward video button.

    The videos only pay 2 credits each but they short, 10 to 30 seconds and you can look watch as many as your like. I have watched 50 and earned 100 credits during my lunch hour several times.

  • enzzer
    582 Posts
    Wed, Dec 7 2016 11:57 AM
    Agreed borntobesting, I don't think most members are aware of the mobile app. Go to goggle play and download the app, and retrieve as many 2 credit ads that you have time to get. I was told about this option about 4 months ago, and for the first two months it wasn't uncommon for me to earn 500+ credits per day. However, the last 2 months, it has been like pulling teeth to get the ads to load...many times taking 20 attempts to watch the video to get 2-4 lousy credits. It has gotten a little better this past week or so, where a good day is maybe 100 credits. That still seems better than the carousel, surveys or truex ads that people mention. Download the WGT App if you have a smartphone and have Wi-Fi! Enzzer
  • twinponds169
    3,051 Posts
    Wed, Dec 7 2016 4:35 PM

    (sniffles)........ahem (clears throat)......big sigh.........

    my name (small sob)....

    is Jim........

    and I am a Free Credit whore.

    It all started innocently enough. I had a strong desire to hit the ball farther and more accurately and to shoot lower scores. I just was not leading a happy life with my starter clubs and the rock. 18 months ago I actually bought 20 bucks worth of credits with real money, bought a cheap driver upgrade and a few balls, but in a flash, I had no credits again. `Things hit rock bottom when I came up 2 credit short for a sleeve of those 10 credit WGT balls. Something had to change..........

    I started hunting down free credits. In the past 18 months I have found well over 150,000 of them. I have every club I could want. I have dozens of high level balls in my inventory. I have gifted many, many clubs to fellow CC members. I have supplemented CC tournaments with many thousands of credits. Currently sitting on 40,000 in reserve. All with "Earn Free Credits".

    In the beginning it was easy. All of those Yahoo vids on Trial Pay at 8 credits a pop were producing 600 to 800 credits an hour. Refreshing Supersonic vids were good for another 500 an hour. The "Earn 5 Views" black bar under the carousel added up quickly. I was up to 30,000 credits by last December 2015, life was good, the game was fun. Then everything dried up, was lucky to find 10 or 20 credits a day. Made it through the dry spell but many club upgrades and an addiction to 90 Nike Blacks had me down to below a thousand back in May of this year. Since then I have easily picked up 100,000 credits.

    The recent surge has been due to two factors. True(X) vids have been a steady flow, started picking up 500 to 600 a day from them. They have slowed now considerably but still getting over 200 a day. The BIGGEST factor in my credit upsurge though, was discovering WGT Mobile. Have never played a game on it but, nonstop 2 credit vids that are 30 secs at the longest. This has been quite valuable as it can be done during down times when you are not on WGT playing or looking for credits there. Sit down to watch a football game and pick up 500 credits easily. Take a break at work, another few hundred credits.

    Minus dumping and eating breaks of course.

    Why minus those? TMI I know, but have not had a dump worth less than 50 credits in months, lmao.

    Now, this may come across as me not having any sort of life, but that's not even close. Work is 50-60 hours every week and my wife and son demand my time as well. I have also played over 3000 games during this time, so the time invested in earning credits has not been overbearing by any means.

    Are there big time dry spells? Absolutely. Supersonic currently sucks, Trial Pay is worthless, and I DO NOT do surveys.

    But can it be done and worthwhile? Absolutely, as well.

    My name is Jim.............

    and I am a Free Credit whore.


    EDIT: During the time I wrote this post I watched Jeopardy with the family and earned 130 more credits

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Wed, Dec 7 2016 5:29 PM

    Cool story, bro. 

  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Thu, Dec 8 2016 2:00 PM

    So. Got a few vids this afternoon. 

    Got a chuckle out of them, too. 

    One ad was from a bank talking about how much it costs to have a child. 

    Very next ad was for an IUD. 
