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Missing 450 Credits!

rated by 0 users
Tue, Aug 9 2011 10:30 AM (3 replies)
  • Bryan18
    1 Posts
    Fri, Apr 8 2011 5:15 PM

    Hi WGT, I just completed a ampario survey, the longer version.  After my long 25min session, it said " Thank you for completing this survey". I then went to my home page and noticed that my 450credits were not posted.  I hope you can resolve this problem because of my time and effort into this survey.




  • borntobesting
    9,680 Posts
    Fri, Apr 8 2011 7:07 PM

    We all lose one every once in a while. But sometimes it takes a few hours or even a few days to show up. So be patient. But sometimes they don't. But in the year and a half that i have been here i have only had one 150 credit survey that I completed that I did not get credit for, And unfortunately there is no way to prove to Trialpay that you completed an Ampario survey. The 75 credit my view surveys you can go directly to the my view site and copy all your completed surveys and e-mail them to trialpay and get your credits. 

  • K1ngM1chael
    12 Posts
    Tue, Aug 9 2011 5:58 AM

    Brian....I just completed an Amario survey (Long version) yesterday. The credits still have not posted to my account. I have done 6-10 of these surveys in my life, and every other time, I have been able to refresh my wgt screen after the "thank you for completing this survey" screen, and the credits will automatically post. Did your credits ever show up? I spent 30+ minutes doing this survey and will be very upset if I don't get my credits.

    Did your credits ever show up? If they did, then I will at least have some hope.

  • floppy131
    87 Posts
    Tue, Aug 9 2011 10:30 AM

    Just refresh your World Golf Tour Icon, above your name it should show up. I have done many of ampario survey both long and short version and always have gotten my credits in just seconds.


    They are other surveys out there that will not give you credits no matter what. WGT doesnt have anythng to do with the credits, its all thru trial pay or whatever it is. I do believe WGT has some say so with what surveys goes on the page. But when you ask WGT to take care of it, It falls on Deaf Ears.