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Mon, Dec 5 2016 12:37 PM (0 replies)
  • quadrock123
    859 Posts
    Mon, Dec 5 2016 12:37 PM

    This is for the owners of CCs in the WGT Community.I have been working very hard trying to get our members to take part in our CCs activities. I've tried all kinds of tournys, Challenges, etc. yet i get less than 1% of our members ao take part. Can any1 give me some ideas, let me know what you do to get your members to be active, or am i wasting my time? Frustration has set in. I started PGA style tournys to keep things interesting, for all tier groups to keep it fair. Out of 170 members, 10 started playing, 9 WD and 1 person played all 4 rounds. I feel like i'm stuck between a rock and a hard Can any1 help me out?                                                                                                      Mike(quadrock123)                                                                                                                Owner of "Live and Let Golf CC"