(sequence of quotes altered)
Stan1684:you lose the use of the pass and have to buy another one
1) You don't have to buy a pass,
1a) in general it's voluntary, and
1b) it's not necessary for the CDP bonus.
Stan1684:The proble is whne your opponent forfeits.
2) Multiplayer games (MP) bare a high risc of discons, but for a few months that has no longer had any backlash on the CDP - this is granted on the first "first tee shot" of the day (GMT timezone). But, the CDP may not be granted to some players in MPs. Anyway, you can still achieve the CDP bonus in the next (solo) game without buying a pass.
User's workaround for this subject: Start a solo game with your free CC pass at the appropriate time, play your first shot and quit the game. According to common knowledge, the CDP will be granted to you and to your CC.