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Avatar Swing

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Thu, Dec 8 2016 9:35 AM (4 replies)
  • vajda
    106 Posts
    Wed, Dec 7 2016 1:27 PM

    I believe this is the only golf game on PC or a Playstation which the backswing of the Avatar is incremented as you adjust the meter accordingly. It would be nice if you were to move the meter to the percentage you want to make your shot and then finish as so. After all is said and done, then the Avatar swings the club. The incremented fashion or what have you, WGT uses, can be an advantage or disadvantage according to the shot. Anyhow, it seems that way to me. Thanks

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Wed, Dec 7 2016 1:52 PM

    It would be nice if you were to move the meter to the percentage you want to make your shot and then finish as so.

    You can, I never even look at avatar increments, never have.

    Just drag power to anywhere you want on the meter and let go.

    Shot and putterpal gives you a 0-100% scale in your meter.

    I don't understand your problem.

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Wed, Dec 7 2016 2:21 PM


    It would be nice if you were to move the meter to the percentage you want to make your shot and then finish as so.

    You can, I never even look at avatar increments, never have.

    Just drag power to anywhere you want on the meter and let go.

    Shot and putterpal gives you a 0-100% scale in your meter.

    I don't understand your problem.

    +1 But the avatar movements do come in handy when putting . Once you apply the movements to meter power and putter increments  putting does become easier because you putt with more precision . Its a great technique to learn by .

  • vajda
    106 Posts
    Thu, Dec 8 2016 9:29 AM

    I do agree with you especially with having to do with putting. I think 'increments' may be the wrong word. Do you notice when the Avatar brings his club back to swing according to how far you go up or down along the meter; that concept I feel could be erased and just move your meter to your selected percentage and then try to click back on the excellent button to finish the complete swing motion. After all that is said and done, then the Avatar will automatically swing by itself. I hope this makes sense. --The increments on the meter are perfectly fine I feel. Thanks.

  • vajda
    106 Posts
    Thu, Dec 8 2016 9:35 AM

    This Jack Nicklaus Perfect Golf video on Youtube may help you understand the swing concept I am talking about. I like how the Avatar swings in that game, nevertheless, all is fine all considering :)