I think, like most, it's taken me a while to master the punch shot. But it's a great shot to use.
Thanks Robert, at least someone took what I was saying the right way.
And I agree 100% about the punch shot. For those between club distances it's a real shot saver. Hit at full power my bag effectively has 4 clubs that go 120, 103, 100, 83, 75, 62, 50 and 41 yards, it's like having twice as many wedges in the bag. I included the Vapor PW because it's so good t can pretty much hold it's own alongside the ATV wedges.
And that's without even starting to play around with spin, that can make a good 8 to 10 yards difference on it's own.
For anyone not using the punch shot I cannot recommend it enough. The time it takes to get competent is well worth spending.