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Thu, Apr 21 2011 4:15 PM (11 replies)
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  • griffygriff
    597 Posts
    Thu, Apr 14 2011 11:10 AM

    I am quite genuinely needing some new health insurance, so i went to the " Free health quotes and compare plans" offer . To qualify for the 450 free credits you must complete the form with accurate personal infomation....which i did.

    Then your sent to a page with a whole host of insurers offering all types of plans. As i started looking for the plan the phone rings with the first insurer offering a deal. Ten minutes later another one calls....5 minutes later yet another one calls. In all I' ve had  7 calls in about 3 hours and about 15 emails...( "no" just checked 19 emails) and my guess its only going to continue.

    The offer doesn't state anywhere that your info will be given out, nor is there any kind of confirmation window that  comes up saying you've qualified.....and if that wasn't bad enough there's no record of you doing the offer on the support page.

    So basically this is a site that fraudulently acquires personal info to sell it, and then insures there's no trace of the offer ever being completed. I guess i'll have to email trialplay and wgt to sort these scam artists out.

    Here's some of there numbers if you need health insurance....9725760308/ 2380636833/ 9547368784/ 9548802246/ 9545334928....there's more if you need em

    Unbelievable all this shyt for 450 credits i'll probably never get....and i still need health insurance.  Btw the American Express gold card offer paid up almost str8 away (2500)

    I'd also like to know what... if anything wgt  intends to do about this partner. 

    I hope this helps to go the phones ringing again (i wonder who it could be this time?)

  • MBaggese
    15,375 Posts
    Thu, Apr 14 2011 11:22 AM

    I don't think it's a scam, although I didn't do Health Insurance quotes, I did do Auto Insurance quotes (did get credits too), I recall in the Auto request thing is did say I would be contacted with 24's via phone or email.

  • griffygriff
    597 Posts
    Thu, Apr 14 2011 11:33 AM

    Theres's no record of me doing the offer, so i'll receive no credits....get it ? Here's another number for health insurance if you need one 5186499074.

  • griffygriff
    597 Posts
    Wed, Apr 20 2011 10:02 AM

    With a little email persistence and some co operation from the WGT team i have managed to get this health insurance scam offer  removed from the site. ...".thank you your welcome."

  • 6six6
    194 Posts
    Wed, Apr 20 2011 10:56 AM

    Don't try the either!

    Did it 3 days ago, no credits just excuses from trialpay. ***. Give me your personal onfo and accounts/bank and get ZEROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Emailed mint twice now no answer back.



    Theres's no record of me doing the offer, so i'll receive no credits....get it ? Here's another number for health insurance if you need one 5186499074.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,590 Posts
    Wed, Apr 20 2011 12:16 PM

    I did the auto and medical just to check rates out and I got both of the credits for them.

    One thing I always do on these deals is give a phone number that isn't real.  I don't mind them having the email account.  If I'm not interested I just classify it as spam and move on, however I don't want a million calls to my phone.

  • don300
    36 Posts
    Wed, Apr 20 2011 3:40 PM


    I did the auto and medical just to check rates out and I got both of the credits for them.

    One thing I always do on these deals is give a phone number that isn't real.  I don't mind them having the email account.  If I'm not interested I just classify it as spam and move on, however I don't want a million calls to my phone.

    Poor guy that owns the phone number you gave is probably wondering why he's getting all of the phone calls  LOL.

  • EdwardRo
    191 Posts
    Thu, Apr 21 2011 6:22 AM

    yea ive done 7 surveys in the last 7 days and only got credits for 1, i get the same answer they have no record, even though i sent  support my proof,  so whats the DEAL?

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Thu, Apr 21 2011 6:53 AM

    Just be careful with these free offers, Wgt might have your best interest in mind, but nothing is safe in this world :)


  • 6six6
    194 Posts
    Thu, Apr 21 2011 7:06 AM

    i got screwed out of 525 credits in the last week.

  and 1 survey

    Trialpays errors.

    Trialpay is a crap system for sure.

    It's obvious they could care less also when you contact them.

    Their crap sysyem has no record.

    They're the middleman and get paid,

    The company doing the offer gets the benefit of you completing their offer.

    The customer (you and me) takes it in the butt.


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