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Maximizing XP passes

Sun, Jan 22 2017 9:55 AM (34 replies)
  • RCall1
    1,852 Posts
    Sat, Jan 7 2017 8:09 AM

    Looking for feedback/help on maximizing XP pass.

    There's seems to be no rhyme or reason on the number of points you receive with the pass. I'm at 208 consecutive days played. Last night I used one and received 2000-plus points, shot a 66, this morning shot a 63 and reveived about 460 points? Both were in club events.

    My question is how is the point value determined? It seems so random and subjective? I've also received 2000-plus points using it during a 9 hole skins match hence my confusion.


    Thanks in advance for any feedback or suggestions

    Good luck and have fun! 

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Jan 7 2017 11:51 AM

    The system and the timing have changed - look up the thread "New XP system".

    But, you may relax. There's nothing of any relevance to gain for your L12 CC. They don't need any XPs and passes any more - instead, enjoy the ride with your friends through the courses!

  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Sat, Jan 7 2017 1:03 PM


    Looking for feedback/help on maximizing XP pass.

    There's seems to be no rhyme or reason on the number of points you receive with the pass. I'm at 208 consecutive days played. Last night I used one and received 2000-plus points, shot a 66, this morning shot a 63 and reveived about 460 points? Both were in club events.

    My question is how is the point value determined? It seems so random and subjective? I've also received 2000-plus points using it during a 9 hole skins match hence my confusion.

    The times you received 2000+ points were most likely your first rounds for the day. So for those rounds, you received your consecutive-day bonus points. 

  • 777999
    2,111 Posts
    Sat, Jan 7 2017 1:33 PM


    The best way to get maximum use out of your free wgt pass, is to use it right after the day counter rolls over to the new day. Also, you have no doubt noticed that so long as you continue your string of consecutive days played, the number of points increases.

    Another way to get a maximum impact out of your free pass, is to play in an 18-hole alt shot game. If you do this however realize that a disconnect will result in a forfeit of your pass, but that is the chance you take, should you opt to try this method. Best to play with members of your CC, that you know will not quite and if all 4 use their pass in that new day game, the points really accumulate for your club fast!!!

    Phil aka., Coyote

  • RCall1
    1,852 Posts
    Sat, Jan 7 2017 2:01 PM

    thanks for the reply. No worried just like piling up the points. There's been days where I use 2 passes and minimal points (under 600 per pass) 

    take care

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Jan 7 2017 2:23 PM

    The best strategy to pile up XPs and CC XPs is the CDP bonus IMHO.

    The first tee shot of the first game starting after 12 pm am GMT will provide this - use one free pass per day for this event for best continuous results.

    But, neither you nor your CC need it.

  • K7JBQ
    1,469 Posts
    Sat, Jan 7 2017 2:40 PM

    To clarify, the WGT day begins at midnight GMT, otherwise known as 0000 Zulu. Not 12pm, as in noon.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Jan 7 2017 9:47 PM

    Thank you for the correction, I'm not so familiar with the am/pm clock.


    Nitpickingly, WGT has two clocks, plus a variable one.

    You reference their CDP clock, corresponding to GMT and displayed on the game's home screen (PC).

    Tournament and forum clock is what I'd consider "WGT clock", their home time zone from San Francisco, PST or PDT respectively.

    Add the CC clocks, individual to each CC and used for their CC tournaments. They correspond to the CC's "home time zone". The origin is undisclosed, maybe taken from the first owner's nationality. My CC is "German", time zone is CET or CEST.

  • K7JBQ
    1,469 Posts
    Sat, Jan 7 2017 10:09 PM

    The point about CC  clocks is interesting, never knew that. The original owner of our club was British. I'm in California. And I have no idea what our "CC time is."

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Jan 8 2017 1:44 AM

    And I have no idea what our "CC time is."

    You see it in the tournaments' list, Check the creation time of a new tournament. At first it will be PST, but "CC time" when you call it later - no time zone acronym though.

    Compare to the time left in the game client for further reference.