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Maximizing XP passes

Sun, Jan 22 2017 9:55 AM (34 replies)
  • alosso
    21,086 Posts
    Sat, Jan 21 2017 11:17 PM

    IE: 6:00 PM .

      The reason you did receive minimal points was that you played at any old random hour .

    Huh? The hour has never been decisive on it's own - it's rather if the crucial shot is taken.

    It used to be the pass maximum high points was at the last hour of the day . 

    You might want to think this over: It used to be the first "finish of game" of the CDP = GMT day regardless of the time when you started that game, but no longer.

    IE: 5:00 PM

      With the new XP system it appears to be the first hour of your day .

    True for any UTC +7 time zone only, like MST and PDT, but independent of any game feature like "XP system".

    I think maximum XP's can be attained at either the first or the last hour . Only if consistently applied . Then again , maybe not . Lol .

    To be or not to be...

    Clearly, today's rules are so that the first No. 1 (tee) shot of the CDP = GMT day does the job, no matter when it's taken in the state of Denmark.

    Most important for this feature: Repeat it once within each GMT day to maintain the streak! And, check for the green check mark - system flaws may be lurking!

  • RCall1
    1,851 Posts
    Sat, Jan 21 2017 11:58 PM

    thanks guys but honestly there seems to be no rhyme or reason on xp point allowcation I've fallen behind 40,000 points from another guy in our club in past 2 months and unless he's spending a lot of $ beyond the daily freebie xp's it just doesn't make sense to me. I play several hours daily and have received the max 2000-2100 points at different times.

    i do appreciate the suggestions

    take care


  • alosso
    21,086 Posts
    Sun, Jan 22 2017 12:31 AM

    I've fallen behind 40,000 points from another guy in our club

    Oh vey - if that's important to you (yes, I've seen your CC message *shudders*) you should get to know the facts in depth.

    But, why maximise XPs? What's your goals as a player and as an owner?

    IMNSHO, your L13 CC needs no XPs at all - why not concentrate on the bright side of the game, on fun, on cameraderie, on the views???

    And perhaps, instead of buying useless CC passes, you can adapt my credo:

    Never buy CC passes. NEVER!!

  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Sun, Jan 22 2017 8:19 AM


    thanks guys but honestly there seems to be no rhyme or reason on xp point allowcation I've fallen behind 40,000 points from another guy in our club in past 2 months and unless he's spending a lot of $ beyond the daily freebie xp's it just doesn't make sense to me. I play several hours daily and have received the max 2000-2100 points at different times.

    i do appreciate the suggestions

    take care


    There is nothing you can do.  The bottom line is that if someone is getting more XPs then you it is because they have a longer consecutive day streak then you do.

    Well, I suppose you could hope he forgets to play one day....

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Jan 22 2017 9:55 AM

    I've fallen behind 40,000 points from another guy in our club in past 2 months

    I play several hours daily and have received the max 2000-2100

    By way of an example for what has been already pointed out about the consecutive days, if you and I were in the same CC I would be doubling your XPs every day I kept my own streak going. I get over 4200 a day without any maximizing, just for playing.

    Your bud apparently has a longer streak going than you.