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Maximizing XP passes

Sun, Jan 22 2017 9:55 AM (34 replies)
  • alosso
    21,086 Posts
    Thu, Jan 12 2017 7:14 AM

    So, experience varies...

  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Thu, Jan 12 2017 8:12 AM



    Before I started my round:  4,282,563

    After 1 stroke it showed:  4,288,615

    Don't look at those numbers next time, look at the ones shown on your CC page. I have definitely verified what I said, twice. Going to do it again right now.  :-)


    *edit- This is what happened.  My CC points before playing = 1394442. After the first stroke this changed to 1398788 for a gain of  4346. My CDP was 3811 so I gained an additional 535 XPs for making 1 stroke in the January 18 unlimited at PB.

    Well here is the reason you see those "extra" 535 XPs:

    You belong to a Level 12 CC - benefits include 4% additional personal XP and 10% benefit for the CC in CC XPs.

    CDP + number of strokes * 1.04 personal XP * 1.10 CC XP is what the CC gets.

    3811 + 1 * 1.04 * 1.10 =  4,360 CC XPs (looks like you got cheated out of 14).

    compare this to the CC XP you would have gotten if you had finished the tournament

    3811 + 400 (for 18 hole tourney) + 62 (strokes) * 1.04 * 1.10 = 4,888 CCXPs

    My CDP was 5,257  by completing a 9 hole CC Tournament I received:

    5,891 personal XP gain

    6,804 CC "contributions" gain

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Jan 12 2017 9:47 AM

    Most excellent explanation, Ed, tyvm.  :-)

  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Thu, Jan 12 2017 3:55 PM


    Most excellent explanation, Ed, tyvm.  :-)

    My pleasure Jim.

  • pmm711
    5,768 Posts
    Thu, Jan 12 2017 7:18 PM

    compare this to the CC XP you would have gotten if you had finished the tournament

    As EE says...It's ALWAYS best to finish your round if you're trying for the maximum XPs with that first CDP round.  Only quit after the 1st stroke if you're pressed for time.

    Ed, I always play a F18 BOP5 Stroke Play for my first round of the day.  What format gives the most XPs?  I think I read somewhere that you tested and found that the highest XP yield for that first CDP round is an 18 hole Alt-Shot that you rig to go into extra holes.  Is that still the case and how many extra holes is many as 4 guys can stand? Thanks for the ALWAYS great content!  Paul

  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Fri, Jan 13 2017 8:31 AM

    Multi-player anything gets more XPs then solo play. 

    While Alt Shot is the fastest to get through 18 holes it does give out less then 18 holes of skins (set something up on 18 hole BoP5 off the red tees, low winds and the green speed of your choice so you can just give each shot your fastest guess and grip it and rip it.

    Under the old system - have not tried it with the new system - each hole of overtime in an Alt Shot gave each player 50 extra base XPs (before personal and CC XP bonuses are applied).  Thus adding 9 holes would generate a little over 500 personal and about 600 CC XPs.  Under the old system those 500 per night could shave weeks off leveling up - under the new system 500 is not a lot of a benefit when you start with a base of 5,266 like I do for 4,262 days in a row.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Jan 13 2017 3:04 PM

    OK, Ed, need some more 'splaining here. LOL

    New day, first round, daily CDP=3814, I play a 9 hole stroke round (2nd round of weekly multiround.)

    XP total at start               5270937

    After 1 stroke                   5275286  for a gain of  4349 XPs.

    Finish round with a 33  and this is what I see...

    The new XP total changed to 5275136, 150 points less than after the 1st stroke!! There's a phantom 150 points floating around there somewhere.  LOL

  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Fri, Jan 13 2017 6:41 PM

    Hard to give a good explanatoryization of that crircumstanabilities as Yancy might say but the math does work.

    The bottom line is if you take the 3,814 for your CDP YOU in your CC with a score of 33 and a bonus of 190 as it was a CC or WGT tournament you should get:

    3814 + 190 + 33 * 1.04 = 4,198 

    (imagine that LOL it actually worked and matched your picture above)

    Your CC got  an extra 10% so ... 4,198 * 1.10 = 4,618

    Now as to the whatnots, whereabouts, and all the other confusicatories of the points after the first shot being 150 higher then in the end there is no explanicables I have other then after the first shot MAYBE WGT assumes you are playing an 18 hole stroke round in WGT tourney (same as a CC Tournament) and when it turns out to end in a 9 hole round it reverts to the score for 9 holes.

    The problem with that one is and 18 hole round is 400 (IIRC as had a few too few beers) and a 9 hole round is 190. - so there is not a 150 XP difference there. Other then if it were assumed a 18 hole round and WGT assumed you not being in a CC where you get you bonuses you do - then it would be close.

    So just like smooth meters some times works smoothly and somethings work meters work unsmoothly ....

    Heck this is WGT and they do not like to spend time telling us - we just have to figure it out as best we can by ourselves.






  • Cuber
    102 Posts
    Fri, Jan 13 2017 7:05 PM


    Simply amazing mathimitization ... it sounds and looks just like Charlie Brown's teacher !!

    Can you apply this to the current 1040 calculizations? I could really use some help figuring out my Schedules A, D & E this year.