So pabby - my court case finally started . The prosecuting lawyer tried to trip me up but I think I handed it just fine .
Lawyer - sir ' what is your IQ .
me - Well I think I can see pretty well .
Lawyer - are you the witness , victim or defendant .
me - man I,m the guy who done it .
Lawyer - how many times have you committed suicide .
me - four times ..
Lawyer - do you drink when on duty .
me - no I don't drink when on duty unless I come on duty drunk ..
Lawyer - and remember craig all your responses must be oral .
me - oral .
Lawyer - how old are you .
me - oral .
Lawyer - craig ' is your appearance this morning pursuant to a deposition notice which I sent to your attorney?”
.me - “No. This is how I dress when I go to work.”
What do you think pabby . I should get a not guilty easily ..