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Golf club ratings/reviews

Sun, Nov 4 2018 11:59 AM (21 replies)
  • Mitch2866
    1,581 Posts
    Sat, Jan 14 2017 8:51 PM

    Is there some place in WGT where the players can rate or review the clubs we use?  Currently when you're looking at clubs like drivers, irons, putters, etc. you can sort them by "price high to low",  price low to high"  "brand", etc.  Is it possible to add another "sort by" item so we can sort them by "ratings"?  I think more players would trust a "ratings" sort so they can immediately find out which club is rated the highest among other players.  I know I certainly would like to see something like this.  Right now I just "assume" that the higher price means the better the club must be, but that's not always the case.  It would probably take a while to get enough reviews from players to have a good impact on a certain club.  Plus, if I see where a higher tiered player is talked about how much they like their driver or irons, I would be looking at those clubs as my first choice since they are "kinda" collaborating their lower averages to these clubs, I would want these clubs in my bag.

    I haven't be able to find anything like this within WGT so any help you can give to me would be greatly appreciated.  Thank You for any help.


  • WGTShamWow
    925 Posts
    Sun, Jan 15 2017 10:22 AM

    Hi Mitch,

    There isn't a rating system, like a star system, on clubs but each club does has a section where players leave reviews. If a club has reviews, this would be below the clubs information/purchase section. Also, posting on the forums for suggestions or feedback if you have a couple choices will usually net a few responses from the community. :)


  • Mitch2866
    1,581 Posts
    Sun, Jan 15 2017 3:26 PM

    There isn't a rating system, like a star system, on clubs

    Thank You for your reply,

    Is that something that could be added without to much trouble?  I know when I go shopping in the internet, I always check the reviews and/or ratings on an item before I buy it and I find that info is very helpful.

    Would anybody else find this kind of info, ratings/reviews, helpful when looking to buy new clubs?



  • jacktrade51
    11,201 Posts
    Sun, Jan 15 2017 6:03 PM

    Part of the problem is so much is personal preference.

    For example, we have some in our club that prefer the Callaway 3 woods, some like the Nike equivalent.  The Callaway 3 wood is more accurate and more predictable on distance if one dings it; the Nike is much more forgiving. 

    I prefer the R1 lvl 98 driver to the Nike lvl 100 (now 95).  Not all in my club agree.

    In Black Diamond GC, we occasionally discuss this stuff in club forum, not just for the more experienced players but others down the experience chain.

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Sun, Jan 15 2017 9:39 PM

    Also, lots of players will ask questions about different equipment available at different levels to get recommendations on what to purchase.  There are lots of people willing to help others with good advice along those lines.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Jan 15 2017 10:44 PM

    I agree, a rating system would be nice, and probably would not be too difficult to implement.......but as there is no revenue for WGT, probably will not happen lol.

    The reviews that are in the pro-shop are selected and therefore worthless.

    Ask in your CC forum and in the main forum and players will give you views based on their experiences. 

    However as pointed out, this can be a personal preference and can also depend on the club/ball combination.

  • Mitch2866
    1,581 Posts
    Mon, Jan 16 2017 11:55 PM

    However as pointed out, this can be a personal preference and can also depend on the club/ball combination.

    The personal preference is what I'd be looking for. 

    For example, "if there were a rating from 1 to 5, where would you rate your driver or irons" and if you want, you could leave comments in the "more info" spot like what ball you're using, etc.  Then make the ratings as one of the "sort by" options.

    If I'm looking at drivers for example, I usually "sort by price high to low" because my thinking is, if it costs more, it must be better which is not always the case.  If there was a "ratings" as one of the "sort by" options, that would be the first thing I would sort on.

  • PhilEStein
    1,269 Posts
    Tue, Jan 17 2017 11:16 AM

    I think that would only work if the reviews or ratings were confined to TL's and above. Not particularly wishing to diss other members but a number pass through these forums that could only rival Donut Trump in the 'trust their judgement' stakes.

  • razza31
    703 Posts
    Tue, Jan 17 2017 11:20 AM


    Part of the problem is so much is personal preference.

    For example, we have some in our club that prefer the Callaway 3 woods, some like the Nike equivalent.  The Callaway 3 wood is more accurate and more predictable on distance if one dings it; the Nike is much more forgiving. 

    Exactly! Priorities can be different. For eg: most players dont like BB 3wd, but u hit the ding often and it would suit u very much.

    In terms of simplifying ratings, the specs of clubs do a pretty good illustration of how the club might be, so doubt the rating system would do a much better job of pointing u to the club of your choice. Can find most of player opinions on forums too with a search of the club in mind.

  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Tue, Jan 17 2017 12:12 PM

    Another factor that goes into club performance is the ball that is paired with the various clubs. I use a TaylorMade R1 driver that is medium/high trajectory paired with a Nike ball with 4.5 distance and 3.5 spin. A friend uses a Nike Vapor driver with a high trajectory paired with a Nike ball with 5.5 distance and 5.0 spin.  Into the wind I am more apt to out-drive him than not.  So I would give my driver 5*'s . But is the difference in the ball, the driver or how he sets up with back spin or top spin? The variations color and rating system and even reviews.  Free rental periods are the best way to make personal rating decisions in that many clubs can be tried out without cost. Hmmmm, wonder when another free rental weekend with appear?