Hello and thank you for reading! Titanium Bunkers Country Club is a club looking for active members, we are a an upstart Country Club that is mainly targeting those of us that have Mobility Issues, if you played golf in real life but no longer can play due to severe injuries sustained either from Accidents, Military or from other medical issues. We are a Tablet and Mobile Friendly Country Club and are committed to having fun, encouraging each other, helping each other to play better and supporting our Country Club. Sometimes those of us that have mobility issues are the only type of people who can relate to each other. We are happy to accept members who do play on PC's or Laptops as well, we do know that people play on both PC and Tablet/Phones also.
Receive free Putter Pal right away and free Shot Pal is coming soon!
Please feel free to apply for membership or message me TheHoss74 or jp5010 for any questions that you have.
Regards, Hoss