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Can't Afford Clubs :(

Sat, Mar 25 2017 7:00 PM (68 replies)
  • petervcpt
    1,013 Posts
    Mon, Jan 23 2017 8:02 AM

    Ok, you ALL owe me a new monitor!!!!


    You should really preface your posts with [Spew Alert]

    Damn best thread evah!

  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Mon, Jan 23 2017 8:15 AM

    I'm not saying that growing up we were destitute or anything like that. But you know what we called people who lived in double-wide mobile homes?

    We called those people... rich folk!

  • Premed
    776 Posts
    Wed, Jan 25 2017 12:25 PM

    If any body is gifting credits can I also have some. Ive been using free balls for ages coz I cant really afford anything else and that's ok, I like them now.

    I could do surveys to earn credits but ye know that's a pain in the ass and I couldn't really be bothered.

    I only have 223 credits since I blew 10,000 credits recently on new nike clubs & foolish match-play choices.

    I really need the credits coz I have come across Sebicu three times recently in match-play challenges and he just wasn't willing to lower his challenge offer amount (I won't say what it was)

    So please people send me credits so that I can afford to play Sebicu, I will almost certainly lose but it would put a smile on an old mans face (not mine I not old). Alternatively I would also accept cash donations of any kind (except the North Korean Won).

    Please DO NOT send me sleeves of balls as I am sticking with the free ones


  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Wed, Jan 25 2017 12:32 PM


    I'm not saying that growing up we were destitute or anything like that. But you know what we called people who lived in double-wide mobile homes?

    We called those people... rich folk!

    When I was growing up my family wasnt poor we were "p" .Thats so poor we couldnt afford the last 3 letters to spell the word . My mother used to put our shoes on lay away one shoe at a time . All of our pets were pictures of animals from old magazines that people had thrown away .


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, Jan 25 2017 1:21 PM

    ...and the teckel Waldi sits in the corner and waves his tail - not from right to left and not from left to right, but up and down, eager to spare some space ;)

  • Premed
    776 Posts
    Wed, Jan 25 2017 1:43 PM

    ...and the teckel Waldi sits in the corner and waves his tail - not from right to left and not from left to right, but up and down, eager to spare some space ;)


    Not sure I totally get that one (even with google translate & wikipaedia) but if he is sitting down how can his tail go up and down, lol


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, Jan 25 2017 3:20 PM

    It's supposed to be English (except for the German dog's name Waldi), I only messed up the breed - teckel is German as is "Dackel", and it translates to "Wiener Dog".

    It's a part of a German "Yorkshire Tale" of the combined effort of man, wife and dog living to save money, "...and their son squanders the saved expenses abroad".

  • ostfriedel
    2,054 Posts
    Thu, Jan 26 2017 2:45 AM


  • craigswan
    32,342 Posts
    Thu, Jan 26 2017 2:54 AM

    I have befriended Gretzky 17 [ the poster ] as I felt sorry for him .

    We played nine holes .

     Third hole was  water hole. 

    Gretzky teed up and hit the ball into the middle of the pond.
    He reached into his bag to find that he was out of balls. Then he asked me for a ball. He proceeded to hit it into the pond as well.

    This went on for 3 or 4 more times.
    Then, when he asked me for yet another ball, I  said, ".

    Gretzky, these balls cost me a pretty penny," 

    He  replied "Oh,.Craig, if you can’t afford to play the game, you shouldn’t be out here!

  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Thu, Jan 26 2017 5:39 AM

    Craig: I started reading this thread and found some humor in a few of the postings, but yours brought out the only chuckle of the whole lot.

    To the Great One (aka Gretzky17): have your son-in-law give you golf lessons; he is known as an awesome golfer.

    As far as credits or equipment: quit buying stuff at the low levels.  Instead, log on and play the ctth weekly tournament EVERY day. This will build your xp total so that you can get to higher levels where the better clubs are.  It also gives you a chance to win credits. And the games don't take long so you can get your homework done. Use the white rock for all of your play since it is free. Do the 7 videos on the carousel every day and after 2 weeks cash in 100 views for 75 credits. Doesn't sound like much but at the end of a year you have earned 1946 credits as well as played the game for free.  And if none of this is of interest to you, get your acoustic guitar back from the pawn shop and find a nice park to sit in and play with the open case at your feet. You might collect some money that you desperately need without looking too much like a beggar.

    And if you have a smart phone like most teenagers, get the WGT app and use it to earn free credits by watching videos. A normal day can easily get you 50 to 100 credits. I often get that many during the morning constitutional.