Not sure it's the clubs, my Nikes, this week end has done the same thing! I had a 113 yd shot with a head wind of 4 to 6 mph, hit a full 115, and John Daly would have been proud, 127 yds, on the fly. A few holes later, tail wind of 10 to 12, 127 yds, hit my 9 at 95% which should have given me 124, and was 12 yds short. Just figured it was week end programming. Always seems to be completely different than week days.
thanks for that report, LS5, It answers a previous theory I had developed in that somebody at wgt wakes up each day and turns a global difficulty dial up or down, explaining how it is that some days everyone I play with including me has a day of nothing but easy shots, and other days every shot requires high decision-making over shots with greater complexity. If that theory were true, they could easily program a dial that globally affects the result of ball distance,
As for the Apex clubs, they worked great yesterday, the ball reaching its usually anticipated distance and landing yesterday throughout ranked games that I played. I did not paly any practice games yesterday to compare results of previous practice, but I will today.[quote user="Luckystar5"]