5 Years. 5 years give or take this game has been up and running. update after update. Yet over this time WGT still lets the chuncked chip and pitch BS happen. Nothing makes you want to punch your monitor more then being on a fantastic round, then having the classic fat hit pitch and chip cost you 3 strokes from 10 yrds from the cup.... I am tired of hitting these shots with a perfect contact yet it goes 2 feet like I mishit it.
You ask us to spend our money to be able to reach fairways from tee decks as we lvl. Wait... YOU FORCE us to have to buy clubs to reach fairways from Tee decks as we lvl. So we do.
We give our money as we all wish to play to the best of our ability. With that we only ask you to give us a game to allow us to do so. Yet year after year update after update this is ignored.
Do I expect this to get the WGT community anywhere? To improve day to day play of a game we all love to play? No. But this little vent has made me feel better...... Of course till the next chunked pitch and chip.
I am not here to complain or make a fuss. I am making this post as I am sure there is a HUGE part of the WGT community that feels the same way I do. Longing for only one answer? Why? Why does this happen and why has it not been addressed? I have been a member since 09. This has always been a issue since day one.
I don't expect a answer. I expect a forum mod to come in and say " if you have a issue please email WGT "
Been there. Done that. 10 times over. No reply.
Thank you for showing me my funds are going to there proper channels... Like updates, staff to run those updates. As well as staff to answer questions from the WGT community here in the " HELP " forum.