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Friend list

rated by 0 users
Wed, May 11 2011 2:00 PM (7 replies)
  • plumcrazylady
    343 Posts
    Sun, Apr 24 2011 1:14 PM

    Having problems with my friend list. On my profile a new friend will show up there but not on my friend list so I can invite them to play or know if they are on.  How do I fix this it's driving me plum crazy

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Sun, Apr 24 2011 1:34 PM

    You have fallen victim to the 255 friends bug.... Take a look at these:


    Those are just the ones I found... I'm sure if you search for "friends list bug" you'll find more.

    Have a nice day.

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Sun, Apr 24 2011 9:24 PM

    This is a golf site, not friends united, 400 friends yet have only played two rounds of golf since February, are you sure you have the right site?

  • Johniedino
    786 Posts
    Mon, Apr 25 2011 2:02 AM


    This is a golf site, not friends united, 400 friends yet have only played two rounds of golf since February, are you sure you have the right site?

    Get your chit all gathered up in a ball there piztaker before you open your mouth on amount of rounds of golf she has played since Feb.  It has nothing to do with her question.

    Its getting so now that if anyone ask a question on here, they get some resident smart a$$  opening their mouth and proving same with their none answer to their question. If you don't know the answer then don't come on here taking up space in the forums with your sarcasm. Besides your stealing the thunder of the post before you.

    FYI its 15rds.



  • stormywind
    2,963 Posts
    Mon, May 9 2011 1:44 PM

    Wise words senex !!! nuff said :)

  • nanstar
    4,914 Posts
    Tue, May 10 2011 2:34 PM


    This is a golf site, not friends united, 400 friends yet have only played two rounds of golf since February, are you sure you have the right site?


    If more people were of the kindly and competitive nature of plumcrazylady then wgt would be an even better site than it already is.

    Not everyone likes to bash out ranked round after ranked round.441 Alt Shot,155 ranked rounds and good manners would indicate she has the right site sir..I am also unaware of any limitations on the number of friends allowed here.

    I hope Snaike's friendly,helpful advice,given just above yours,will assist in solving the friends list problem..I'm happy to be on that list too.


  • Lobsterboy
    4,729 Posts
    Tue, May 10 2011 3:44 PM

    I find it strange how the guys at WGT remove posts which they deem "abusive", yet they leave posts from people who dish out sarcastic abuse to players who have a genuine question to ask. WGT, it was a great idea to have a forum called "Community Help", but if you continue to allow these people to high jack it with their nonsense replies, it will put genuine players with genuine concerns off from posting them. I'm all for having a laugh and a bit of mickey taking in the forums . . . but there's a time and a place . . . 

  • plumcrazylady
    343 Posts
    Wed, May 11 2011 2:00 PM

    This post is for PIZTAKER

    If you can't say something nice or help someone then keep your mouth SHUT. Mess with a LOBSTER and you'll get the claw.