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Mon, Mar 6 2017 1:47 AM (29 replies)
  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Sun, Mar 5 2017 5:34 PM

    Hey, gonfission,

    My thoughts from Animal Farm were along the idea that "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others". type of treatment by the mods.  I would agree that 
    Double Think" is alive and well @ WGT. 

    I don't expect everyone to be familiar with all of those ideas.  Just those of us who got some part of a classic education, as you obviously did.



  • gonfission
    2,241 Posts
    Sun, Mar 5 2017 7:27 PM

    classic education

    Thanks for that Phred, I beat feet from High School, then started to rely on myself, for an education, literary, physically, & literally.

    I shudder to think in 40 years, what will become of our beloved lady of Liberty.

    George was a visionary. Funny, in the end the rules changed from what the animals themselves set them up to be, eh?

    A tweak here & there...

    Does have a familiar ring to it. :-))

    bene in omnibus vestrorum Phred

    aequalitas enim omnia


  • dedBuNNy
    1,919 Posts
    Sun, Mar 5 2017 7:31 PM

    This is a gaming forum, it's not a public think tank or community discussion forum sponsored and paid for by local tax payers. It's a gaaaaaaaaming forum. 

    Freedom of speach doesn't exist, not part of your Constituion in the way 99.9% of the population interpret it anyway, and certainly it would have no relevance here. This is a private forum supplied to registered players to use as long as they abide by the rules as they're laid out, no matter how vague  or arbitrary and how often they are change at the whim of WGT, etc etc....

    I know there are real gamers like myself who play here, who are part of clans and populate real gaming forums for real video games. To those who aren't. If you think the modding here is a f*kin' travisty you should see what goes on in FPS or racing forums, any forum where there is MP and league style competition with clan based play. The sh*t that goes on in those places is unreal sometimes, people threatening to fly across the country because you snuck up on them, dropped an HE 'nade by them, stabbed them in the neck and ran away as they kersploded into bits of humilated shreds. Some people take that personally and lose it... Just clean fun. All in all this place is pretty tame.

    I often think this game would benefit if you could take your 9i and crack some idiot of the head, who thinks it's fun to just run out the clock on your game. Be funny if as you beat them into the ground you could mug them as well, take their credits and break their clubs.  ..... wut?

    JK, geebuz, no one would get anything done in real like and this would be the most popular golf game in the history of the internet - FOR REAL.... 


    GTA-WGT v2.1 ...."Bring it!" 

  • gonfission
    2,241 Posts
    Sun, Mar 5 2017 8:18 PM

    Thank you Atlanti

    I am not sure how this may translate

    I speak Chinese, (Mandarin) and travel to the orient often. One does not need to know a language, to receive the meaning of a great play.

    Google Wild Rice Singapore

    I did. It did. They had 8 plays to the entire ensemble. I do wish I could have seen it.

    Will search off shoots of Netflix, and wife's data base from China.

    I often think this game would benefit if you could take your 9i and crack some idiot of the head, who thinks it's fun to just run out the clock

    I see your 9 iron, and raise you a 4 hybrid. "That's gonna leave a mark".

    The clock running is but a pittance, of a plethora of needs, for" hands on".


  • SlicedPepper
    796 Posts
    Sun, Mar 5 2017 9:31 PM

     Reread "Animal Farm

    Therein lies the problem with the world in general. Hardly anyone, especially youngsters, read the classics any more, let alone understand and learn from them.

    Communication, no matter how contrite it may become at times, is a necessity for the exchange of ideas, and yes at times, differing opinons. You learn that way.

    No matter where you go there will always be those that enjoy making others miserable, simply because they are. The objective is to ignore those types of lesser humans and gleen what good information you can from the others involved in a conversation.

    By answering certain peoples posts all you accomplish is giving them the satisfaction of knowing they've upset you in some way. Treated like an ignored plant, they will whither and die.

    Personally, I can't think of a better way to deal with them. Like a spoiled child. Let them throw their little tantrums. When they realize no one is paying attention to them they become silent. Let their inner turmoil eat at them, not you.

    I don't believe there will ever be an even keel as far as moderating the forums goes. Simply because WGT is not that interested in what goes on here. They are, after all, a business. Keeping customers happy is their main concern, well, at times. Shutting down a thread is much easier than going through it's posts.

    Just my 2 credits






  • K7JBQ
    1,468 Posts
    Sun, Mar 5 2017 11:02 PM

    Very good post SP.

    As a long time (14 years and counting) moderator at, the largest ham radio site on the Internet, I couldn't agree more. The best way to deal with hard-core idiots is to ignore them. Eventually, they go away.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Mar 6 2017 12:52 AM

    I wish I really had taken the time to learn Mandarin, I can understand a little but that is about it. My daughter who was schooled in Hong Kong and Singapore is fluent.

    Cantonese is so tonal, I learnt about 20 words in 5 years........mostly ones that need moderation lol.

    The plays are in English....well a lot of Singlish.....but you need to know about the local politics to get the real subliminal meanings. In a country of extreme censorship, it is wonderful.

    When I lived there, my neighbor was one of the cast (lead) and well known on the rock. I also knew the Director, a top guy, who certainly did not fit the mold of a conservative Singaporean.

    @DeadBunny - this site is a little different from a pure gaming site as many players do not consider themselves gamers, but golfers. On a golf course, you talk about virtually anything. Yes it is a small group, usually with friends, but certain protocols are followed. 

    What any forum needs however is consistency.......

    @SP - I find the lack of literary knowledge and appreciation quite appalling these days. 

    But when people write a cover letter in TXT language when applying for a job, I draw the line. I have seen several people do this, and even invited one in for an interview......sadly it was probably written by a friend as to me, they were illiterate. Sadly the sarcasm I used was way to deep, and they thought I was complimenting them. 

    If that is the standard of education being taught, we are on a very slippery slope....let alone comprehending one of the classics. But never mind, i am sure it will come out as a cartoon or a movie at some stage...... 

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Mon, Mar 6 2017 1:47 AM


    I wish I really had taken the time to learn Mandarin, I can understand a little but that is about it. My daughter who was schooled in Hong Kong and Singapore is fluent.

    Cantonese is so tonal, I learnt about 20 words in 5 years........mostly ones that need moderation lol.

    The plays are in English....well a lot of Singlish.....but you need to know about the local politics to get the real subliminal meanings. In a country of extreme censorship, it is wonderful.

    When I lived there, my neighbor was one of the cast (lead) and well known on the rock. I also knew the Director, a top guy, who certainly did not fit the mold of a conservative Singaporean.

    @DeadBunny - this site is a little different from a pure gaming site as many players do not consider themselves gamers, but golfers. On a golf course, you talk about virtually anything. Yes it is a small group, usually with friends, but certain protocols are followed. 

    What any forum needs however is consistency.......

    @SP - I find the lack of literary knowledge and appreciation quite appalling these days. 

    But when people write a cover letter in TXT language when applying for a job, I draw the line. I have seen several people do this, and even invited one in for an interview......sadly it was probably written by a friend as to me, they were illiterate. Sadly the sarcasm I used was way to deep, and they thought I was complimenting them. 

    If that is the standard of education being taught, we are on a very slippery slope....let alone comprehending one of the classics. But never mind, i am sure it will come out as a cartoon or a movie at some stage...... 

    The adage asserts that money makes the world go 'round. In fact, it's effective communication. How many relationships have begun or ended with communication? many wars have been started or averted?

    It's a shame that insisting people have a basic command of the language has gone the way of the dodo's characters in a tweet and text code now. 


  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Mon, Mar 6 2017 2:24 AM

    @SP and Alan,

    +1 to both of you.  Perfectly stated Gentlemen.  I try to remind myself that an insult is like a drink: Both can only effect you if you accept them.  Easier said than done at times with the former.  

    This forum is part of the social aspect of the game, and a great part at many levels.  I have made friends here as well as in my CC and through the play of the game.  While we are from all different parts of the world, we all want mostly the same things. 

    Sadly, I fear society is so far down that slippery slope Alan mentioned, the crest can no longer be seen.  In hindsight it will resemble a cliff instead.

    To Joe (gonfission) all is well, even though my Latin is very rusty (almost non-existent these days).  Pax erit vobis and Non illigitamus carborundum everyone.


  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Mon, Mar 6 2017 2:39 AM

    But never mind, i am sure it will come out as a cartoon or a movie at some stage......
