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Please think before you post

Fri, Jun 29 2018 6:48 AM (45 replies)
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Mar 9 2017 4:35 PM

    OH Yeah, never pick up a dog having a seizure, talk to them so they can hear you when they start coming out of it and only do that after you clear the area they are in so they don't get hurt...I've been through 100's of them LO

    Thank you so much for this, I had no idea. 

    And thanks for this accidental topic all, I feel a hell of a lot better.  ;-)

  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Thu, Mar 9 2017 4:37 PM

    Kinda funny that people send messages or wall posts because someone bails.  If I did that, I'd wear out my fingers.  I've been on the waiting end of many, many, many cowards who go 3 down after 3 and punish me by making me check Facebook for 2 (previously 2 1/2) minutes.

  • Bowl64
    3,121 Posts
    Fri, Mar 10 2017 12:36 AM



    I recently had to leave a game abruptly due to my dog having a seizure. Later I was sent a very ugly message questioning my reasons for disconnecting. It was hurtful.

    Please remember that this is a game and while it's easy to hide behind the anonymity of the internet, it has consequences when you let your anger fly. Life happens and sometimes it's necessary to leave a game.

    Thanks to all the kind, respectful folks who play here.


    Seems like you played some one who is tired of playing quitters . Yes this is just a game common courties are to be extended by all parties . Also 2 wrongs dont make a right and your response to them was just as bad .

    A simple explanation of the reason for leaving the game be it due to an emergency of any kind or a simple disconnection problem would have better resolved the issue . Sometimes players wind up playing others who are more intent on protecting their avaerage than playing a fun round . As soon as they feel their game is going south they quit , without an explanation showing poor sportmanship .

    This causes the other player to waste both their time and in some cases a very expensive ball . This is what leads to the anger and frustration of players and their poor conduct as well .This doesnt justify their actions but it is understandable as to the why they behave poorly

    .At the same time to respond back to them and be just as negative and to behave just as poorly is also no excuse . So in the future please remember to take your own advice and think before you post as well . After all this is just a game .


    Seems loke you wrote this post without having all the facts, and your actual defence of these complaining wallposting cowards is just not appropriate. It`s bullies like these that we need to get suspended from WGT, hope your dog is ok Sue. The advise about a screenshot of the post is a good one and if this happends again get a screenshot of the post and send it to wgt-support.




  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Fri, Mar 10 2017 9:07 AM


    I did exactly what you suggested and offered a simple explanation. His reaction was unwarranted and nasty. I never quit unless it's an emergency by the way. Think before criticizing. 

    1 I wasnt crticizing just giving my opinion as to why players act the way they do under your circumstances .

    2 You omitted the fact that you explained to the other person the reason why you had to leave the game and in turn they wanted to be a butt head . Nothing you can do about that . In the future you know not to play them again .

    3 Your reply and response to them was beneath a lady of your stature . I understand why but it demeans you as a lady and  also as the better person . Butt heads have a way of causing us to fire off blindly , thus the "2 wrongs dont make a right " statement .

    I had a butt head stalker post FO on my wall the other day and I didnt even know they existed until then . Then after posting on their wall my response it came to me as to who they were . WGT closed their account a few months ago for doing the same ting to other players as well . So now that I know they are back I just blocked them again and thats that .

    As for your quitting if you have to leave a game then it is what it is . After all this is just a game . I wasnt calling you a quitter if you took it that way then I apologise . But as we remind others we must also remind ourselves when responding to others . This is only a game and its never that serious . Have a nice day :-)

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Fri, Mar 10 2017 11:20 AM

    @ Bowl 64  I had all the facts from what she posted . At the very top of my reply^^^ post is Sue . My reply is below hers and was according to just that . Seems your reading comprehension is a just a tad off . I think my reply looks at both sides of the situation fairly . I wasnt defending anyone read the last sentence of the 3rd paragraph .The part that says "this doesnt justify their actions " part . So it seems like the one who didnt have all of the facts is you not me .

    I wouldnt call someone who is rude or disrespectful a bully . So in the future before you jump on the band wagon of any post make sure that you have read the posts correctly and truly understand what`s not only going on , but also is being said . You too may want to follow the advice of " Think before you post this is only a game " .

  • Dougie4042
    4,410 Posts
    Fri, Mar 10 2017 3:19 PM


    I'm a little freaked out by the seizure thing because I just saw it in one of my Pugs this past Sunday. Totally freaked me out because she was just sitting at my feet while I was fixing dinner (favorite place for her not for love but the drops-lol) and all of a sudden she went splay-legged and couldn't control herself. 

    I immediately picked her up and she was really hard to hold for all the convulsing. The whole thing lasted about a minute and she was noticeably scared. The odd thing was during the seizure it seemed to be only in the legs. Her eyes and face were the same and her curly tail was wagging! WTF.

    Scared the daylights out of me and now I'm not sure what to expect. Is this anywhere near a normal occurrence for a dog?

    Sorry to hear that, Jim.  :/

    And you know what cracks me up?  It's that CC "No Quitters Here Please."  Most people don't quit.  It's usually a connection issue that's to blame.  To think someone would actually create a CC with the above name is quite funny to me!

  • Dubfore
    4,350 Posts
    Tue, Mar 28 2017 4:23 PM

    I wasn't going to reply to this, then I thought, there's two sides to every story and one side is missing here. It took me a while to find the post, so here's the part SeattleSue left out

    Story is, SS went on a mini rage because she thought her partner in alt was taking too long (within the time clock) to hit his shots, then she quit after said (one) mini rage. I assumed she quit because of that, not knowing she had and cared for dogs, I thought it (the dog seizure) was just an excuse to get out of the game (and maybe it was, who knows?).

    Someone also mentioned SS is quick to criticise, but slow to compliment partners shots.

    So now all you halo givers, you have the full 'story'.

    Enjoy your games.  Just a thought.


  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Tue, Mar 28 2017 8:14 PM

    Interesting reply.  I've mentioned before I am a dinosaur( my word for it).  I play AS and MP for fun and only play with a 90 shot clock.  Part of that is I take some time to set up my shots by following a routine that works for me, and part is that I enjoy the social aspect of both formats.

    Games are set up with a clock limit.  If someone has a problm with a player using the full amount of time allowed, they probably should look for different game. Depending on my mood, If anyone (opponent or playing partner) were to complain about how long I take, my answer might be a "whatever", or it might be two words.  And they wouldn't be "Happy Birthday".

    FWIW, I had a Jack Russel Terrier who suffered from seizures for the 15 years we had him.  They can be very frightening to watch.  My dog, Oliver took medicine for his whole life once the disorder was diagnosed.

    I don't know SS, but I am a friend of Dubfore, and from the start I felt there had to be more to the story.  One final point, we all can and do overreact from time to time.  We've all had things build up until something very minor is the proverbial straw that breaks the u know what.

    I'm just sayin'. 

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Wed, Jun 6 2018 7:04 AM

    We lost one of our pugs yesterday. She had major oral surgery in the A.M. and when we picked her up late in the afternoon she went from OK to massive seizures as they were handing her to us at the vet's office. They tried oxygen, meds, CPR, etc. but she was gone within 10 minutes.

    While she was seizing she was unaware of anything. Tongue out, violently jerking and totally blank eyes. It was the first time my teenage daughter has ever seen anything have a seizure and it really freaked her out.

    Really strange coincidence. Our niece in Utah took in my dad's Boston Terrier four years ago when Dad passed away. That dog died from cancer at almost the exact same time yesterday.

  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Wed, Jun 6 2018 7:13 AM

    Sorry for you all regarding above.