There are really two issues at play here that determine how many XPs a player gets. The same two issues were present under the old system
The first issue involves the CDP (consecutive days played) and to a lesser extent what level CC you belong to.
The second issue is what game format is played and whether the game is completed or not.
Using me as an example based on my CDP of 1,520 days where I start with a CDP bonus of 5,440 XPs and being in a CC that has a benefit of 5% XPs due to the CC's level.
If I play a random person in an 18 hole round and tee off and the other person leaves so the round is not completed I get 5,440 + 1 *1.05 = 5,713 personal XPs. This is the major difference between the new and the old system. Under the old system I would have gotten 0 and if playing my free CC Pass I would lose it.
If tonight I play a 1 hole practice round, score a birdie to finish the "round" my XPs will be calculated at 5,440 +3 +7 (for completing a 1 hole practice round) * 1.05 (for the 5% bonus my CC level gives) = 5,723 personal XPs.
If however tonight I play an 18 hole CC Tournament and score a 60 my XPs will be calculated at 5,440 + 60 +400 * 1.05 = 6,195 personal XPs.
If I play a 9 hole Alt Shot the personal XPs will depend on how many holes are completed and a number of other factors - but on Friday playing 7 holes before the round was over I received 6,241 personal XPs. So, that game format provided around 500 in addition to the base CDP XPs rather then the 460 of a CC Tournament.
18 hole skins with 4 players in my experience gets the most game format XPs but takes forever to play. 18 hole Alt Shot is second best in my experience getting around 800 XPs for the "format" portion of the equation in a reasonable amount of time.
Paul mentioned above that I have stated before that an 18 hole Alt Shot that goes into overtime starts racking up the XPs at a healthy rate.
It does.
Each overtime hole gives each player a lot of XPs. I once was in one that went 12 holes of OT after the initial 18 and in addition to the around 800 that one gets for 18 holes got about 1,000 more for a total of 1,800 (which was added on top of the then 880) for a total over 2,700.
The observation I have now though is this:
Under the old system of XPs given the game format was an equal partner in the equation once the first 7 days in a row were achieved.
Under the new system the base XPs provided by the CDP number is the driving factor once a healthy CDP is attained and game format matters less.