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Come join our golfing family!

Tue, Apr 11 2017 9:29 AM (14 replies)
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  • 777999
    2,111 Posts
    Mon, Mar 13 2017 1:39 PM

    We here at the "MOVING FORWARD COUNTY CLUB" wish to extend an invitation to everyone Pro Tier and above, who is truly interested in playing and learning this game we all have come to love.  If you really want to play on a regular basis, with a widely varied group of friendly and helpful people in a safe and stress free environment, our club may just be the home you've been looking for!

    We are a very active club  and already at level 12, with 65 members, and that number is growing steadly, so we encourage you to come join in the fun.  We feature "Team Speak", for those who wish to take part and enjoy the game to it's fullest! 

    Our focus is first, last and always, on meeting the needs of our members and on ensuring that everyone is treated fairly, equally and with the respect they deserve.

    In order to assure a fair and even chance for each and every member, we use a "Handicap System" that we believe  closely emulates that used by the USGA and is a welcome addition for all. It will be used in all MFCC Sponsored Tournaments, so everyone will have a good chance of winning, regardless of Tier or Level of experience.

    We also have our own WEB Site, that is updated every 24-hours, so that our members can keep up with all that's going on the the verious tournaments. Additionally, we offer a mentor-ship program for new and also advanced players, interested in improving their game with a one-on-one instruction from one of our experienced and very talented players, who have volunteered their time and knowledge to give a hands up to any member who asks.

    We offer a number of "Pursed" old school style cc tournaments and additionally, we are on Challonge for head-to-head live play, so we pretty much have something for everyone, so please come and take advantage!

    Our membership requirements are very simply: All we ask is that you have each of the clubs executive officers (5 at present) on your friends list and that you play and post a score in at least (2) of our Q-School Tournaments each month.

    So, come and join us and become part of our family!

    Phil  aka., Coyote   Owner: Moving Forward Country Club


  • neo6280
    76 Posts
    Mon, Mar 13 2017 6:34 PM


     I'm interested in leaving my current CC, only 5 members are ACTUALLY playing on a regular basis, me being one. I'm a level 69-Master and have played 87 days in a row. Can you tell me a little about your Q-school tournaments, that sounds VERY interesting to me.



  • 777999
    2,111 Posts
    Tue, Mar 14 2017 8:46 AM

    In answer to your forum question our "Q-School is a (4) times per month tournament of which we require our members to play in at least (2) of them in order to retain club membership. We do this to esnure that we only have active players, who really want to play and be part of our family.

    We also have many ongoing tournaments, of which quite a few have credit prizes to the winners, and we are looking into expanding this even more in the very near future.

    In addition we have our own web site and for those who wish to experience live play talk to it's fullest, "Team Speak" is available free to all members.

    I've sent you an cc invite, so you can come and see for yourself, hope to catch you on the 1st tee soon!

    Phil aka., Coyote   Owner: Moving Forward Country Club

  • 777999
    2,111 Posts
    Sun, Mar 19 2017 12:28 PM


  • BubbaBaker4
    3 Posts
    Sun, Mar 19 2017 6:36 PM

    Myself and a friend are interested in joining. Let me know how. We have been looking for an active CC. We run one now, but nobody plays regularly so we run torurneys that end up head to head. I can sent usernames if that is what you need to invite us. Thanks!

  • 777999
    2,111 Posts
    Mon, Mar 20 2017 8:59 AM
    Greetings! I'd send you a cc invite, but as you are an owner yourself, you would first have to pass ownership of your club over to someone else. Once that is done, your and your friend(s) would be able to request a membership with us. I will be happy to help you in any way I can, and I can tell you, that we will keep you busy!!! lol Phil
  • 777999
    2,111 Posts
    Thu, Mar 23 2017 11:46 AM

    Bump me!

  • jimbothescot2
    309 Posts
    Thu, Mar 23 2017 4:25 PM


    I am currently a member of a County Club but they are non English Speaking so I cant really get fully involved in Forums Etc.

    I play everyday an take part In their competitions although for some reason they have dried up this month.

    Do I have to leave my current club to join yours

  • 777999
    2,111 Posts
    Fri, Mar 24 2017 8:49 AM

    Hi Jim!

    Yes, you would have to leave your present club, as WGT only allows for membership in one. You are certainly welcome to join us, but please notify your current clubs owner first as a curtesy before leaving!!!


  • 777999
    2,111 Posts
    Tue, Mar 28 2017 11:20 AM

    Bump me up!

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