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puzzled part 3

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Wed, Mar 29 2017 6:03 PM (23 replies)
  • adaputter
    1,954 Posts
    Sun, Mar 19 2017 7:15 PM

    if it takes 3 men a week to dig a 6tf x 6ft square hole

    how long will it take 6 men to dig same hole?

  • julio1235
    238 Posts
    Sun, Mar 19 2017 7:46 PM

    how long will it take 6 men to dig same hole?    Zero, its already dug!

  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Sun, Mar 19 2017 9:20 PM

    I can dig it.

  • LuckySkreet
    611 Posts
    Sun, Mar 19 2017 10:24 PM


    if it takes 3 men a week to dig a 6tf x 6ft square hole

    Obviously not State or Government employees..................take a week or better to get the 6' x 6' layout correct..........


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Mar 19 2017 10:31 PM

    how long will it take 6 men to dig same hole?

    Zero as the hole has already been dug.......however who the hell is paying 3 men for a week to dig a 6 by 6 foot hole............are these civil servants? 

    Is it 2 men supervising one man digging occasionally, or one man supervising a supervisor who supervised someone who resembles to dig 5% of the time.

    I am a tad concerned that my taxes and rates are paying for some men to dig a hole that has no purpose other than employing 3 men. 

    Then some brilliant mind wants to pay another 6 men to dig a hole that has already been dug........brilliant......can someone tell me how to win a contract like this please? Obviously the men need no digging experience

    EDIT - LMFAO @ Lucky........sheesh planning....who would have thought. But then add another couple of weeks for a Health and Safety Plan.......Planning permission....I can see this a a two month job......$$$$$.

  • PhilEStein
    1,269 Posts
    Sun, Mar 19 2017 11:21 PM

  • LuckySkreet
    611 Posts
    Mon, Mar 20 2017 12:12 AM


    how long will it take 6 men to dig same hole?

    Zero as the hole has already been dug.......however who the hell is paying 3 men for a week to dig a 6 by 6 foot hole............are these civil servants? 

    Is it 2 men supervising one man digging occasionally, or one man supervising a supervisor who supervised someone who resembles to dig 5% of the time.

    I am a tad concerned that my taxes and rates are paying for some men to dig a hole that has no purpose other than employing 3 men. 

    Then some brilliant mind wants to pay another 6 men to dig a hole that has already been dug........brilliant......can someone tell me how to win a contract like this please? Obviously the men need no digging experience

    EDIT - LMFAO @ Lucky........sheesh planning....who would have thought. But then add another couple of weeks for a Health and Safety Plan.......Planning permission....I can see this a a two month job......$$$.

    And not to forget........   the feasibility study, the pro and con debate regarding the necessity of the hole, an environmental impact study to make sure no worms, bugs, and ants are harmed, law enforcement provisions to handle the associated protesters........  I got this exceeding a year and close to a cool million dollars............


  • txzdave
    1,316 Posts
    Mon, Mar 20 2017 12:47 AM

       Two does it twice as fast as three since the first was the worst digger ever seen.

                    If he ends up in the first hole what could that mean?

                              The first digger it would seem is in the first hole waiting for the next six to fix what the aforementioned two did for kicks. Hired maybe?  The cure surely is under wraps. Underground perhaps but jobs you don't dig end up bigger than the above ground trigger you' d never want to encounter.

            Would the six fix this if they knew it all?

                       The answer is the same perhaps, but those chaps just took the day off. That hole meant the message was sent and the bent person might be lookin' for the six.

                      I think they knew what that meant.

                                    Long story short of some sort is the six got 86'd. They're in the hole and the first three (two?) ain't got room for you.

                   Go dig, Cats.







  • pmm711
    5,767 Posts
    Mon, Mar 20 2017 6:53 AM



    how long will it take 6 men to dig same hole?

    Zero as the hole has already been dug.......however who the hell is paying 3 men for a week to dig a 6 by 6 foot hole............are these civil servants? 

    Is it 2 men supervising one man digging occasionally, or one man supervising a supervisor who supervised someone who resembles to dig 5% of the time.

    I am a tad concerned that my taxes and rates are paying for some men to dig a hole that has no purpose other than employing 3 men. 

    Then some brilliant mind wants to pay another 6 men to dig a hole that has already been dug........brilliant......can someone tell me how to win a contract like this please? Obviously the men need no digging experience

    EDIT - LMFAO @ Lucky........sheesh planning....who would have thought. But then add another couple of weeks for a Health and Safety Plan.......Planning permission....I can see this a a two month job......$$.

    And not to forget........   the feasibility study, the pro and con debate regarding the necessity of the hole, an environmental impact study to make sure no worms, bugs, and ants are harmed, law enforcement provisions to handle the associated protesters........  I got this exceeding a year and close to a cool million dollars............

    Let's not forget the permit, posting of the public notice, and the ensuing city hall meetings.  Obviously the 3 guys in the OP had the "dig first, answer questions later" mindset.  I see some fines in their near future...which will probably be viewed as $ well spent.

    P.S. I'm puzzled as to why this thread isn't posted in the same place as "Puzzled" & "Puzzled Part 2"...that's very puzzling.

  • LuckySkreet
    611 Posts
    Mon, Mar 20 2017 9:15 AM

    In respect to all above mentioned concerns..............   I think the real question is:   "How many men and pieces of commercial construction equipment are required to back fill the hole?