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A suggestion, actually...

rated by 0 users
Thu, Apr 28 2011 12:51 PM (12 replies)
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  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Thu, Apr 28 2011 6:39 AM

    When I chose to change where I invest my internet dollars, moving from playing World of Warcraft to this game, I thought at the least the level of discourse and maturity of the people I would be interacting with would be improved.  WOW on the whole is overrun with kids, having no age restrictions.

    Other than, really, one person, I have found the people I have interacted with here at WTG to be less mature, less courteous, less helpful, and less welcoming of newcomers than on WOW, which is very disappointing.  I am not speaking to everyone, I am sure there are a great number of folks here that are wonderful.  However, for whatever reason, predominantly the asshats have chosen to denigrate, insult, and harass me without any prior provocation.  I have posted a discussion looking at my club progression.  No one had to post on it, no one had to read it.  But rather than post with observations about the clubs, rather than post any suggestions, all the members of WTG did was post insults and negativity.  I posted a request for suggestions to help my putting.  All I got in response was smartassery.  I do not think I have gotten one cogent, helpful, on-topic reply to anything on these forums.  The children post their harassing BS on my profile, so I have to delete some garbage every few days.

    I'm an older guy.  I have very little tolerance for inane BS, and that is all I have seen from the people here.  I have golfed, real and video, most of my life.  I have a number of friends who have done the same.  My intent was to recommend WTG to them, as it is the best 'game' I have found online.  However, if they can expect to recieve the same disgraceful welcome that I have gotten, I see no reason to do that.  I'll be sticking around because I love the game.  But I won't be interacting with anyone here.  I can find elevated discourse on TWO or in WOW trade chat.

    To the WGT staff:  I've been here a couple of weeks, and spent a couple of hundred dollars.  I think I've been a pretty good customer so far.  You might want to take a look at how some members of your community treat your good customers, because quite frankly, you have some members that are bad for business.  Just from me, they have cost you three other people that would have spent the money I have.  I'm already on the hook, so I'll be staying.  But I can't in good conscience recommend to my friends a game where some customers treat other customers with the level of disrespect that I have found.  After 30 years as a classical chef, I do know one thing.  In all the establishments I have worked, if a customer was harassing other customers, we asked that customer to leave.  Just sayin...

  • sixkiller
    1,147 Posts
    Thu, Apr 28 2011 7:27 AM

    Well at the risk of offending you, No comment.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Apr 28 2011 8:03 AM

    In fairness to your progression with this experience, having read every post you made in that blog/thread, as boring as they were, the nagging question I always had and never asked was what makes you think your personal growth and discovery is of value to anybody but yourself? With over 4 million IDs here in a game over 4 years old you certainly had to know you weren't on the cusp of some major discovery. You chose to share your private experience in a public forum where there are a few wise guys that make some things funny. It's all in good fun when there's an obvious instigator and you got to be just that. Your reaction to these wisecracks descended into asterisk filled trade offs and you had the only asterisks. You didn't even acknowledge a respectable suggestion by TarHeelsRule to take it to your personal page.

    Your first response to the early comical responses.......

    "Those of you still too simple minded to comprehend that I am not anyone who has ever been here before can all go to hell."

    What did you expect as you continued on your self absorbed journey? Now you want to think that your behavior is OK and make some kind of statement about the response to it? Good luck with that.   :-I

  • Mosales
    52 Posts
    Thu, Apr 28 2011 8:20 AM

    What YankeeJim said


  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Thu, Apr 28 2011 8:39 AM

    I understand.   You just had to stir the pot again!

  • 6six6
    194 Posts
    Thu, Apr 28 2011 8:59 AM

    If you've only found 1 person up to your standards its obviously your problem.

  • 6six6
    194 Posts
    Thu, Apr 28 2011 9:29 AM

    Just curious what you've spent a couple hundred on in the first couple weeks?

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Thu, Apr 28 2011 10:12 AM

    Allright guys, we heard both sides. He raises some valid points and some valid points were raised back to him.

    Let's play nice :)

    P.S JaLaBar, maybe finding a friendly country club is a way to make friends and join the community

  • VanHalenLover
    1,422 Posts
    Thu, Apr 28 2011 10:56 AM


    You are seeing first-hand the side effects of a certain privileged few who are allowed to run a muck in these forums with their own set of rules. I've been down that road and have learned that there is no easy way out of it, and your best course of action is to avoid them at all costs. There are a select few who are allowed to self moderate, and only pose their responses as question in order to make it look like they are actually asking in good faith. In all reality, they already have their mind made up, and it is no more than than a personal CYA policy, to allow themselves to continue unimpeded.

    There is a member of this very thread who went so far as to use WGT technology to post what he thought was my private information, with no consequence. Seems that a select few are allowed to do what they want to other members, with no risk of repercussion.   

    Best advice I can give ya is to populate your friends list with those who are open enough to debate your points openly and honestly, and play with those members who have proven to be non judgmental. Far too many on here try to put themselves into a self-professed moderator role, and are left to go on and on; unchecked.

    Best of luck to you, and keep em in the short grass.


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Apr 28 2011 11:05 AM

    I am the one he is baiting. I could probably whine about inflammatory remarks but he didn't use my name so it's OK. He's just still mad at me.  ;-)


    p.s., it's "amok",  not "a muck."  That's poker.

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