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What would you do?

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Fri, Sep 4 2009 4:51 PM (61 replies)
  • jakestanfill7
    949 Posts
    Thu, Sep 3 2009 5:22 PM

    To me, purchasing software that gives a player an advantage in order to cheat a game establishes intent, whether it is used or not.  Can't believe the thought would even cross somebody's mind.  This person has much bigger problems but he or she should not be one of ours.

       I`ve just seen several New Masters use thier Master clubs proceed to steal the Aug. Pro tournament. This was Not against the rules yet I still have a bad taste in my mouth from it. Obviously there are many out there that can live with thier selves by taking candy from babies!

    I see your point but please allow for an explanation.  I posted 60 in this tournament you speak of using "pro" clubs which lead up until 8/24 and feel it would have stood up with the proper clubs.  I kept close tabs on my lead in this contest and did use my "master" clubs to better the 60 by 2 strokes when I saw that a couple of masters had beat my score with what I thought (can't prove though) to be their "master" clubs.  In no way do I felt like I took candy from a baby when my 60 with "pro" clubs would have beaten you and the rest of the pros.  For a week or two I was competing in both "pro" and "master" tournaments and would regulary switch those clubs out depending on the tournament tier I was playing.  I kept the"pro" clubs until yesterday when I sold them as I am no longer eligible to compete in "pro" tournaments. 

    I hope this explanation helps as I did exercise a certain level of integrity while competing in that tourney and did have some heartburn about resorting to those measures to take the final crown from the masters that had bested my 60. 

  • Weirsy
    84 Posts
    Thu, Sep 3 2009 5:36 PM

    Snaike.... find me someone willing to pay $6000 for a pound and I'll throw in some some great land to build on.... comes with resident beavers eh ! Funny how you defend the gun though..... where's Michael Moore when you need him.

    Anyway, to the topic. If this said person is really out to use the software to benefit from prizes etc... then yes I take exception to that. Maybe it's to see if it really works and than inform WGT.... I don't know. I've written dinky macros in the past to play those stickmen olympic games just to see if I could do it...cause I like fiddling with code (errr hope this doesn't put me on the hit list, I don't have the time or inclination to try it here). It can't be that hard for WGT to figure out with data collected whose using a macro or something. In the end, it comes down to 1) character....does this person have it not to use software to cheat. And 2) WGT needs to put the measures in to find and stop cheaters and not rely on it's members to police this great game.

    Buddy.... If you cheat that T-shirt from me....... I'm coming after you !!!!


  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Thu, Sep 3 2009 6:14 PM

    Weirsy .. two points that are off the current topic.

    1. I never defended the 'gun'... I defended the 'gun owner'.  There is a difference.
    2. Marijuana's current rate on the black market (as it's still illegal for most) is $50 for an eighth of an ounce... $400/oz...  extrapolated out is $6400/lb.  That's for the "higher quality" California stash...   Your results my vary.   It was nothing more than an illustration, not an offer to sell/buy.

    Have a nice day.

  • mrboo
    211 Posts
    Thu, Sep 3 2009 6:34 PM

    Well I've been an online gamer for over 15 years now, I think...has the internet been around that long? hmm...well anyways let's say 12 years. I've played many many games, mostly shooters, hehe I guess this is kinda a "shooter" too! Many years on Diablo 2 (if you ever played D2 you know how many hacks/cheats/mods there were.) then...lost my thought, wait wait, oh yeah, ok...I was gonna say, and am still going to...right about, now. Uh, I never played and online game without "cheaters" hate that word...cheaters, maybe I just hate what it stands for. Ok so ... to the point now. Seriously.

     Every game I've played online has it's poo butts, and every game sponsor/hoster (WGT/Blizzard/MSNGamingZone etc.etc.) swears they are secure, confronting and taking care of the problem. Only thing is, once it's over for us legitimate players. It spreads like a virus, infects the majority, and new strains keep evolving to get around the vaccines. As I witnessed first hand in a game I used to play, even my best friends who swore against the hack and cheats eventually gave into temptation for the sake of competing. Maybe this game is formatted and run in such a way that this will never come to pass? I think this is highly unlikely, and very unfortunate.

    To answer the question...with good evidence, I would ban his ass and never look back. Cya buddy. That $#!+ can't be tolerated, not even a little bit.

    Good luck WGT. More power to ya.

  • Weirsy
    84 Posts
    Thu, Sep 3 2009 7:18 PM

    Ahhh I get it.....cheat software doesn't kill games..... people kill games. :-)

    Regardless.... it's up to WGT to find a solution to this problem

  • Weirsy
    84 Posts
    Thu, Sep 3 2009 7:22 PM

    And how do you ban him ? He changes his name, new comp/provider and away you go.

  • mrboo
    211 Posts
    Thu, Sep 3 2009 7:31 PM

    Of course, they will always come back, always have always will. By banning you set an example...that's about it. It's finding a remedy to the program that is most effective, but that won't last either. As I said, it's like a virus. understood? eh?

  • drivnchaos
    286 Posts
    Thu, Sep 3 2009 7:46 PM

    ISP logging could kill the virus. What's the offender going to do, change providers ?  I say flogging, burning at the stake, and hanging till dead fits the crime.

    My not so humble opinion

  • mrboo
    211 Posts
    Thu, Sep 3 2009 8:02 PM

    Maybe WGT could show them being waterboarded on live video?  Not that flogging, doesn't sound just as enjoyable. =D

  • tibbets
    1,043 Posts
    Thu, Sep 3 2009 8:16 PM

    To be fair, whether or not the software was actually in use is unknown.  All that is known is that it was attempted to be acquired, and that is the issue here. Obviously if it is being used, it's a no brainer as far as suspension/banning.  To me, even the attempt to acquire is enough for some sort of punitive measures to be enforced...certainly not nothing .  I don't want this to be all secretive either.