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clubs,lies and swings-how cnai improve?

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Fri, Mar 31 2017 2:07 PM (11 replies)
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  • shankduff
    1 Posts
    Sun, Mar 26 2017 11:21 AM

    Just starting out. I am using the WGT Starter clubs. OK. Now my questions. I notice inconsistencies in swing types by lie. Cannot use a 3 wood out of the ruff. When chipping by the green at times come out hot, but mostly cold.  As in a downhill chip of 10 ft ,when club distance gives 22 ft. on a reasonable lie. I can click the swing graph at 40% and the ball only travels 4 ft. Or a put that shows 0 percent downhill of 15 ft on a scale of 30. Use the graph at 50% and the ball travels 10 ft past. I play golf on real golf courses and can hit up to a 3 wood out of bunkers that are not deep and play almost any club from the ruff. Does having better equipment change any of this?

  • CabJockey
    12 Posts
    Sun, Mar 26 2017 8:42 PM

    Better equipment always helps. That said, you can do well with starter clubs. I suggest you read the forums on wind, rough and sand calculations. Also, watch your green speeds. The bigger the number the faster the green.

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Mon, Mar 27 2017 9:47 PM

    Better equipment helps, but you really want to avoid buying equipment too soon as it will be obsolete as you tier up and the game gets harder.

    Use can the search box to the right >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                and find many threads about what to buy and when for club upgrades.  Or, try this link to another post that will help:

    From any fairway bunker the best advice is to play back to the fairway for now.  That will change later with better clubs.  Remember this game simulates Golf, but doesn't play exactly like the real thing.

    Above everything else it takes Practice, Practice, and more Practice.

    Good Luck

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Mon, Mar 27 2017 10:02 PM

    You've noticed some of the limitations, and they are emphasiced with the Starters. Accept the medicine to get out with least harm.

    Lesson #1: Don't trust the caddy - make your own choices!

    The hardest impacts are

    - from 30%+ bunker, only use wedges and expect 70 yds max.

    - from deep rough, only irons, and preferably punch shots. Aim for FWs.

    - Starters have low trajectory, so adapt for early landing and severely shortened shots uphill.

    Around the greens, dispute the caddy's choices even more:

    - no Starter chips and pitches from rough (as a generalised advice),

    - chips must land on fringe or green,

    - pitches must land on FW, fringe or green,

    - putts from fringe may come short, and there are areas with FW between fringe and green (e.g. @BPB)


    Have fun!!

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Tue, Mar 28 2017 12:49 AM

    Lesson #1: Don't trust the caddy - make your own choices!

    Best advice ever....

    Left mine with severe concussion in 60% fescue on St A's....they still haven't found Him !!


  • jessek12
    102 Posts
    Tue, Mar 28 2017 5:45 AM


    Just starting out. I am using the WGT Starter clubs. OK. Now my questions. I notice inconsistencies in swing types by lie. Cannot use a 3 wood out of the ruff. When chipping by the green at times come out hot, but mostly cold.  As in a downhill chip of 10 ft ,when club distance gives 22 ft. on a reasonable lie. I can click the swing graph at 40% and the ball only travels 4 ft. Or a put that shows 0 percent downhill of 15 ft on a scale of 30. Use the graph at 50% and the ball travels 10 ft past. I play golf on real golf courses and can hit up to a 3 wood out of bunkers that are not deep and play almost any club from the ruff. Does having better equipment change any of this?

    I can see a couple of responses before mine, but I'll offer my own too:

    • alosso had it right, no woods out of rough. Just one of those WGT systemic programming limitations. I would echo his point about punching, especially from deep rough (anything 30/40 or above). Out of light rough (up to about 25%), you can hit normal shots but they won't carry as far and will roll out, especially on greens.
    • Chipping in this game is...awful. Personally, I use it less than 1% of the time. I find it only really useful if you are just off the green, either on the fringe or in fairway. Again, as alosso stated, it must land on the green to be of any use. Almost always, you are better off going with a pitch or a flop.
    • Also, the meter is not linear. 40% power on the swing meter will not give you 40% of the club/shot distance. It's linear from about 85/90% through 100%, roughly. Below that, it gets a bit wild, so you might have to hit 82% to go 70-75% of stated club/shot distance. Again, WGT systemic programming.
    • Putting - different green speeds mean different rollouts. I've found that, using your example of a perfectly flat 15 ft putt, a green speed of Fast (9.0) will yield pretty close to accurate distance. Meaning that you would hit about 50% of a 30 ft meter to get it to go 15 ft. Anything faster and you'll have to bump your power down accordingly. That same putt (flat 15 footer) on a Tournament 12 green will travel just under 12 feet, so if you hit it the same speed (50% of a 30 ft meter), it might end up going 19 feet. Think of it as playing Augusta vs. your local muni.
    • Better equipment won't change the inherent programming of WGT (i.e. chips generally suck, and no 3W out of rough really) but it will improve some of the other things. Higher level clubs have better forgiveness and precision, and the linear scale of the model might be a bit better. 

    If you enjoy the game for it's flaws/quirks and also the social aspect, learn to play with the starters and the free ball to get the hang of the mechanics.

    - Jesse

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Tue, Mar 28 2017 8:50 AM

    Better equipment won't change the inherent programming of WGT (i.e. chips generally suck, and no 3W out of rough really)

    Chipping is much better now and a 3w punch out of up to 40/50 is a nice option for a 200yrd run up.


  • dedBuNNy
    1,919 Posts
    Tue, Mar 28 2017 10:21 AM

    If you are going to try and play this game like real life golf?

    Quit now, save yourself hours of aggravation, this is not a golf sim in any way shape or form. 

    If can still be fun, you just have to wrap your head around that it's an arcade game, play it like one and you can score well and do some funny ***. 

  • 11BC2
    555 Posts
    Tue, Mar 28 2017 3:29 PM

    I notice inconsistencies in swing types by lie.
    It's the natural nuances of the game.  Until you get a club/ball spin combo of around 5.5 (min) you'll be limited in what you can consistently and reasonable do.  Additionally, a lot of the advice you might pick up won't work out unless you have some needed equipment.  I.e., if I hit a pitch with full b/s at 100% power with my 64w i get 12y land and 2y roll out for 14y total.

    If I want to hit a 10y pitch you might think 10 / 14 = 71%.  In reality I would need to hit 84%.  Power doesn't scale past around 90%ish and below (maybe even a tad higher).  With your equipment you'd have to do something drastically different (and probably flop instead due to lack of spin).   Level 32 Talylor Irons, Level 59 Pings, and Level 85 Callaways is a good upgrade path for Irons.  A level 48 Taylor Driver and level 33 Versa should do fine til Legend.

  • WoodyJeep
    1,961 Posts
    Tue, Mar 28 2017 4:48 PM

    Putt of 15 ft on the 30 foot meter = 37.5% on the meter, not 50%.

    You have to figure slope and distance of putts while considering the green speed of the green you're on.  Then I come up to the number of feet I want to putt.

    But keep in mind, the dumbest thing about this video game; the 30 foot putt meter is a 40 foot meter.  If you want to hit 30 feet it is only 75% of the meter.  If you want to hit 40 feet, it is 100% of the 30 foot meter.  The other putt meters work the same way.  I play with a sheet in front of me where I have already converted the feet into meter%.  All of the putt meters work this way.

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