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Pure genius

Sun, May 1 2011 10:37 AM (7 replies)
  • Hoggard68
    7 Posts
    Sun, May 1 2011 7:40 AM

    Im fairly new. Been playing about 3 weeks. Im already seeing vast improvement and play alot of different CTTH, Match, Alt. shot, Stroke etc.

    Whoever developed this game is a damn genius! The game play is very realistic. I am a real life golfer for 20 years with a 7 handicap. Other than a few minor glitches here and there This game is flat out hard and challenging.

    For those complaining about meter problems. Most of the time it is probably the WGT servers having so much traffic. (WGT increase bandwidth and server size?)

    As far as having to buy better equipment for each new tier gained, Why not? In real golf we have to use better equipment and practice alot to improve. Why wouldnt WGT offer the better equipment for the harder tiers and course conditions? The game is free but we buy a few balls and clubs here and there (cheaply I must add). A set of k15's D-pw for 30 bucks!? hell yeah!

    This aint TW golf so dont think (like I did) that you are gonna waltz in here and be shooting sub-par rounds. As for the crazy lies and shots? Play some real golf on quality courses and you will find that each lie.distance.condition,human error etc. will change constantly.

    I am currently Pro with 74 avg. Purchased good balls and clubs but you still have to make shots and PUTT!  Its that simple.

    Thanks for everyone who has friended me and given tips. once again this game and its developers are pure genius!

    (No I am not a paid spokesman but free WGT credits would be sweet!)


    See yall on the course!


  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Sun, May 1 2011 8:58 AM

    Nice write up for a change! Definitely not the old tripe that has become the norm of late. Thanks for sharing Hoggard!

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Sun, May 1 2011 9:30 AM

    Good stuff. And every time you go up a tier the challenges change. Best game on the net.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, May 1 2011 9:34 AM

    I believe Hog's take is the majority opinion of the players here. We see a fraction of these users posting their collective displeasures and it's easy to think that might be the norm. It isn't. Every business everywhere has naysayers-they're a necessary evil in the system of checks and balances but players like Hoggard come on board more than the ones that poke their nose in, judge it, condemn it as folly and then leave.

    Welcome to the addiction, Hoggard.   :-)

  • TheAceFactor
    2,147 Posts
    Sun, May 1 2011 9:46 AM

    Welcome  Hoggard.


  • wildcat18racing6
    420 Posts
    Sun, May 1 2011 9:53 AM

    Welcome to wgt and do not forget to come to the golf addicts meeting every first tuesday of each month.

  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Sun, May 1 2011 9:53 AM


    I believe Hog's take is the majority opinion of the players here. We see a fraction of these users posting their collective displeasures and it's easy to think that might be the norm. It isn't. Every business everywhere has naysayers-they're a necessary evil in the system of checks and balances but players like Hoggard come on board more than the ones that poke their nose in, judge it, condemn it as folly and then leave.

    Welcome to the addiction, Hoggard.   :-)

    LOL! Notice I said of late........I agree with you though.

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Sun, May 1 2011 10:37 AM


    A very very nice post.  I agree and love the game. What a pleasure to see a positive post from somebody so new to the game.


    Hope to catch ya out on the course for  a round.
