This new owner shows two entry dates to the CC: One on the CC activity, right before she (? signs as Jen) became the owner yesterday,
and one in the member list (March 23, 2017, hover over the name) which apparently is days before she played the first visible round (maybe on mobile before?).
The fee is 20 $ now, from her status.
I hoped that the company would have taken the CC, but the fee speaks against that.
The former owner is now a Director, current membership 234, with about 25 joining in the last three days. Anybody knows if they had 250 as is claimed by them?
From the activity log I see a thread in their CC forum, "Cant afford 70 cents a day? lol" opened by the "captain"=former owner yesterday.
One member, T, posted "39 $ a month" yesterday and received a massive number of replies by the captain but nobody else. T has changed the CC.
Not the CC I'd like to be in.