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Something new, or a glitch?

rated by 0 users
Fri, Apr 21 2017 6:00 AM (0 replies)
  • Bill19542
    169 Posts
    Fri, Apr 21 2017 6:00 AM

    One for the mods please

    In the past, when playing a game, if the other player turns off instead of forfeiting it can take up to 3 minutes for WGT to realise then you get the 45 second timer until the player times out and you get the win. A way to cut down the time is, if you get the spinning disc of doom for a minute, restart the game, then you get the option to resume the current game and then the 45 second timer. This is playing on mobile by the way.

    In our last turf wars clash and again a couple of nights ago I did this and instead of getting the resume game option, it just went to the home screen and I lost the wins and the CC passes.

    Just wondering, is this the way it goes now or was this just a glitch?