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Backspin on faster greens

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Mon, Apr 24 2017 6:55 PM (7 replies)
  • iPhilMickelson
    74 Posts
    Fri, Apr 21 2017 11:46 AM

    I was wondering if backspin is more effective or less effective on faster greens. i.e. Very Fast 10 greens compared to Championship 13 greens.


    I don't know whether to put more than usual or less than usual.

  • iPhilMickelson
    74 Posts
    Fri, Apr 21 2017 12:13 PM

    I'm sort of testing it out right now..I'm guessing more? That's what it feels like, but I would think that it would roll more with the faster greens.

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Fri, Apr 21 2017 12:28 PM

    Depends on the club and ball combination  Backspin gives the ball more bite as well as increases the loft of the ball causing a softer landing . But this is dependent on the club trajectory and ball type . Although you can apply back spin when using the starter ball the effect it will have will depend on the club being used . The better the level of the club the better the affect of backspin when used .

    Also take into consideration the wind  as it will also have an effect on your shot .

  • iPhilMickelson
    74 Posts
    Fri, Apr 21 2017 12:30 PM

    I don't think you understand my question.

    I know how backspin works, I just want to know what the difference between slower greens(i.e. Very Fast 10) and faster greens(i.e. Championship 13) when using the same club and ball combination. Will the faster greens be more effective with backspin than the lower greens were?

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Fri, Apr 21 2017 1:31 PM

    Again it depends on the club and ball combination . It will work on all green speeds and will be just as effective if its applied properly . You have to also take into consideration slope of the greens winds and the level of the clubs that you are playing with .

    If you want to see how it really works then go play a stroke play practice rounds and use the different green speeds and see for yourself . Play some 9 hole rounds using back spin on the different greens and you will see how the greens respond to backspin .

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Fri, Apr 21 2017 1:42 PM


    I don't think you understand my question.

    I know how backspin works, I just want to know what the difference between slower greens(i.e. Very Fast 10) and faster greens(i.e. Championship 13) when using the same club and ball combination. Will the faster greens be more effective with backspin than the lower greens were?

    Lonniescott is correct. The answer is "it depends."

    On the one hand, one could expect it to have less biting power because of the speed (i.e. it's more likely to bounce forward). On the other hand, because of the speed of the green, if the ball starts backing up, the effect could be exaggerated on faster greens, causing the ball to really back up a lot.

    A person just needs to experiment. And sometimes having the ball roll out is the preferred option. You simply have to learn to play all of the shots, which include putting both backspin and topspin on the ball, depending on the situation.

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Sat, Apr 22 2017 3:09 PM

    Also you are using those Max Spin wedges.  I'm sure you are finding out they have lots of spin, like the top level cleveland's.  Green slope will also make a big difference.  

    Compare Merion to Kiawah or St. Andrews for example.  Sometimes you have to play topspin instead of neutral or no spin on Merion greens to keep from backing the ball all the way off onto the fringe, or fairway.

  • gr8flbob
    592 Posts
    Mon, Apr 24 2017 6:55 PM

    Proviso: I play high-spin clubs and balls. That noted my general rules of spin are

    1. use less spin as green speed goes down; more backspin as green speeds increase.

    2. less spin when hitting into upslope; more backspin when approaching downsloping green. 

    3. less spin hitting into headwind; more backspin with tailwind.