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Sat, Apr 29 2017 11:11 AM (11 replies)
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  • lexmarkz33
    8,662 Posts
    Sat, Apr 22 2017 7:41 AM

     THE "PRACTICE MODE" IS RIGGED! WGT should be ashamed of themselves! It took me a long time to realize what was happening when I kept adjusting my clubs shots and in "practice mode" then moving them back when I played in rank mode....using the same wind speed and distances. Most of the very same shot were consistency 5-10 yards off. I wonder if anyone else out there have figured this out? What good is "practice mode" if it does no good to practice and use up balls when it is rigged for that purpose!

       I also leaned that WGT count each mulligan as a shot so that each time you use it, it's like taking a shot....using your balls up twice as fast. Don't we spend enough money on balls without being tricked to use more balls? Doesn't WGT not make enough money without these rigged features....shameful! And I challenge anyone to prove me wrong....I have spent months experimenting with this endeavor....and it angered me when I found this much I stopped playing for a while. 

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Sat, Apr 22 2017 8:01 AM

    I will let others who know the nuances of the game play address your first paragraph. I will, however, address the second.

    Please familiarize yourself with the information in the FAQ section over to the right of these post. It's actually pretty thorough. ----->

    In the section marked "Mulligans" is the following

    "Is there a cost to use a mulligan?

    If you use a mulligan during a Practice game, the ball you are using will be degraded by two hits instead of one hit. Mulligan putts will also degrade your ball by two hits."

    No surprise, nothing sneaky about it. The search box, also located over on the right, would lead you to a lot of other discussions about it too.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sat, Apr 22 2017 8:04 AM

      I also leaned that WGT count each mulligan as a shot so that each time you use it, it's like taking a shot....using your balls up twice as fast.

    It wasn't a secret...

    .I have spent months experimenting with this endeavor...

    You should have leaned quicker.. ;)

    Or come here and ask, it's not just a place to vent. 




  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Apr 22 2017 8:12 AM

    Sounds to me like you don't know how to practice and that you're trying to nail exact numbers for specific shots. Ain't happening. 

    Practice is for you to figure out what your club/ball combo does and how spin affects the results. Won't do any good unless you know what the flat shot does first.That's what the mulligan is for because I know you're not dinging every shot. And if you don't ding the shot, the results are suspect.

    For the cost of less than one sleeve of whatever you're using you should be able to learn what you need to know about how your clubs carry and roll. It worked well for me,  to this day. That's what practice is for, learning your stuff.


  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Sat, Apr 22 2017 10:43 AM

    I challenge anyone to prove me wrong

    Since I play and practice with the "Rock" I see no difference. There is no cost to use a mulligan either with the "Rock" so I use it extensively.

    Also if you are a ding putter the new Putt Preview has become a valuable tool in practice mode.

    The hardest part of this game is the five inches between the ears ... learn to chill out.

  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Sat, Apr 22 2017 11:48 AM

    I recently purchased a new driver. I put it into my bag along with my old driver and went off to Kiawah in practice mode  to make a comparison. I then hit numerous drives with both clubs, charting the results.Took a mulligan and hit again. Never left the tee at #1.  If I had some sort of scatter chart, I would have a very large pattern that showed distance and roll and left and right variations much like I would have in real life. But I also found tendencies that allow me to make judgements on the various courses when I play. This game is not about getting the exact same results every time you sit at the screen and click your mouse. If it were I would be quitting quite soon.

  • garypinhunter
    1,049 Posts
    Sat, Apr 22 2017 11:50 AM



       I also leaned that WGT count each mulligan as a shot so that each time you use it, it's like taking a shot....using your balls up twice as fast. Don't we spend enough money on balls without being tricked to use more balls? Doesn't WGT not make enough money without these rigged features....shameful! And I challenge anyone to prove me wrong....I have spent months experimenting with this endeavor....and it angered me when I found this much I stopped playing for a while. 

    All you had to do was search the main forums and you would have learned this.  Dont blame WGT for this.  Hate to say this but this was an oversight on your part.  

    The only reason I am even posting here is because after 7  years you should have known this.  Garypinhunter

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Sat, Apr 22 2017 2:51 PM

     It's a game with variables.  Consider taking notes on what happens to your shots while you are playing ranked rounds.  The more information the better.

    Also consider switching to are wound up waaaay too tight. 



  • Shooter40McGavin
    2 Posts
    Wed, Apr 26 2017 3:36 PM

    I stopped buying balls when i figured out that when bought balls go into fescue 90 percent of the time it's lost. it also seems that wind effects bought balls more to blow them off course. I've just learned to play with plain ol' "range balls"!

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Thu, Apr 27 2017 6:32 AM


    I stopped buying balls when i figured out that when bought balls go into fescue 90 percent of the time it's lost. it also seems that wind effects bought balls more to blow them off course. I've just learned to play with plain ol' "range balls"!

    Perhaps your skill level, and the 50 ranked rounds you have played since 2013 when you joined have more to do with the "bought balls" ending up in the fescue.  Just a thought.

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