How could they NOT tell us they were going to literally devalue the game again? Oh, but of course, they gave us plenty of warning in the " Upcoming Product Releases - Updated 4/5/17" thread....where it said "later this month we will lose one of the most popular and challenging courses we showcase to our customers"....oh, wait a minute....
You expect to sell many "Stay Classy" avatars wiith a minor blurb below your sales pitch that you've deleted a national treasure of a golf course?
The biggest blunder in the history of WGT and worst of all, no explanation and no apology.
Hey...they have 10 million members..and don't you forget it either...lmaorotf
5:10 pm. Cant find a game one playing players players players players players players
Out goes Oak and in comes a tux...... another WGT gem! Just another example of WGT staying in business despite itself.
ColumbusStorm: "Release notes" really? Sounds more like "Unrelease notes" Was anything attempted to be fixed?? Customer Service claimed there would be a few enhancements to help get around some of the multiplayer bugs that exist.
"Release notes" really? Sounds more like "Unrelease notes"
Was anything attempted to be fixed??
Customer Service claimed there would be a few enhancements to help get around some of the multiplayer bugs that exist.
Agree. Not one thing done to enhance or improve the playing experience. So many issues when playing an Alt Shot match-meter vanishes, can't zoom and of course the inevitable disco, because of freezes and not loading "next location" or next hole.
It's been over a year since I posted in any of these forums-why? Because it proves to be useless.
monty python could not have written a better sketch than this!!....fkin laughable... i would say "hang your heads in shame WGT" but you'd probably take a bow instead all dressed up in your new tuxedo's....and the award goes to......drum roll................the dildos in the big bow ties!
twinponds169: WGTicon: Oakmont Country Club Our agreement with the course has ended, so it’s no longer playable on WGT. What will happen now with a clubs "saved custom courses" that have an Oakmont hole on them? Will they have to be edited before they can be republished and go live again?
WGTicon: Oakmont Country Club Our agreement with the course has ended, so it’s no longer playable on WGT.
Oakmont Country Club
Our agreement with the course has ended, so it’s no longer playable on WGT.
What will happen now with a clubs "saved custom courses" that have an Oakmont hole on them? Will they have to be edited before they can be republished and go live again?
Question should have already been answered, but hasn't.
I can say, in our club, ongoing custom course tourneys that include Oakmont holes are working.
But can I create new one with pre-existing custom course? I do not know. Do I have to re-design course?
If WGT is springing this on us by surprise, answers should be ready.
"Stay Classy" ............Always.
How the hell is losing one of the best courses considered an "update"? New idiotic avatar and a crap ball if your ruin a friends life by getting him to join here. : (