round selection process is going to search mode with no results. try to start my own round and do not get any response to the game.
we have a problem?
started a round as the only player, worked okay. tried again to join a round or start one with other players - still nothing, my nickle.
ps maybe i'm more disliked than i thought! ??
lee22sharon: started a round as the only player, worked okay. tried again to join a round or start one with other players - still nothing, my nickle. ps maybe i'm more disliked than i thought! ??
lonniescott711: Henrykawa still wants to be your friend
Does that make you speciaL ?
Sorry Sir ,,, Reformed trolls want to know .
played a full 9 hole round with other players yesterday 5/4. today, can not start or join a multi-player round again! this is very tiresome, my nickle.
Your not alone Lee, It's not listed in forums but many other players are experiencing a problem when trying to join a round in stroke play. Games are not found and the search continues .......forever without option for "search again" screen. Nobody (in game) seems to know why it has not been fixed. Or whether wgt even knows or cares. But YES. A problem does exist in stroke play. For many others.