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My scrolling is now inoperable on WGT only...

rated by 0 users
Sun, May 14 2017 11:36 AM (0 replies)
  • SanJuaneer
    9 Posts
    Sun, May 14 2017 11:36 AM


    My scroll piece on my mouse has not been scrolling through my club selection for two days now. It is still working on other websites but only not working here on WGT.

    I am wondering if there has been a WGT update which has caused this and it will become scroll-able again soon, or if this handy feature has been eliminated from WGT.

    It's just very awkward for me to have to hover the cursor over the vast array of clubs in my bag and choose one when it has always been so handy to scroll through them all in the past.

    Thanks in advance for your response!