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New Courses

rated by 0 users
Sun, May 28 2017 7:08 PM (6 replies)
  • SSpurgetis
    1 Posts
    Sat, May 27 2017 6:16 AM

    When will WGT update and add new courses.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, May 27 2017 3:10 PM

    They just did: Erin Hills!

  • Cuber
    102 Posts
    Sat, May 27 2017 3:47 PM

    My father-in-law, a very wise man, had a saying: "sometime in the summertime" ... he never did say which year.

  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Sat, May 27 2017 4:05 PM

    When will WGT update and add new courses.

    Why? The list of courses that you don't play isn't long enough?  

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Sat, May 27 2017 5:33 PM


    When will WGT update and add new courses.

    Why? The list of courses that you don't play isn't long enough?  

    +1 You just started playing again after who knows how long and want new courses . Considering that you are only a  Pro says you didnt play much before you quit . So after you beat the rust off your starter clubs and upgrade to new clubs at L100 then maybe we`ll consider letting you have a new course .

    But until then no new courses for you . What do you think new courses grow on trees or something ? Heck when I was your age all I had to play on was 9 holes uphill both ways . And another thing dont you go getting any crazy ideas about new pins either you`ll play what you got and like it . Now go practice on the putting range and learn how to play the game . I tell ya what is up with these kids today they never appreciate anything not a thing . Go figure :-)  


  • Olduffer
    153 Posts
    Sat, May 27 2017 6:47 PM

    AMEN !!

  • K7JBQ
    1,469 Posts
    Sun, May 28 2017 7:08 PM

    I can relate. It's similar to my experience with my first marriage.

    In all candor, I can tell you that in all the time we were married, I didn't regret a single day.

    That day was January 16, 1966.



    My father-in-law, a very wise man, had a saying: "sometime in the summertime" ... he never did say which year.