lonniescott711: But the solution that I offered was to take the top 250 Champion money earners and promote them to Tour Champion . Also whoever wins the virtual Open should also be promoted as well . Of course this wont change anything when it comes to playing the Open but its a good solution for promoting players .
Hey Scott,
Your idea sounds reasonable enough to me.
AussieMick11: I think it should read "Earn 300 credits at Tour Champion".
Hi Mick,
Yeah, I guess that's what it's supposed to mean, but maybe WGT did it deliberately to give us a hint. BTW, good to talk to you again, m8. :-)
SidersBest: where I've seen Tour Pros @ level 57 with 150 stroke average.
Huh??!! Just wonder what the WGT programmers were smokin' before the update.
renniw52: Someone who is supposed to be moderating all day would not be a level 105 TC. Do the math people.
Sorry, renniw52... I don't quite follow you on this one.