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Sat, Jun 3 2017 7:18 PM (1 replies)
  • RV1962
    17 Posts
    Sat, Jun 3 2017 4:09 PM

    Hola. hoy he recibido un mensaje de bienvenida a los hispanos, donde indica tildar la opción "español" en el setting. Mi problema es que no se donde está este setting!. Por favor ayuda!!

    Hi. Today I have received a message of welcome to the Hispanics, where it indicates to mark the option "Spanish" in the setting. My problem is I do not know where this setting is !. Please help!!

  • borntobesting
    9,751 Posts
    Sat, Jun 3 2017 7:18 PM


    Hola. hoy he recibido un mensaje de bienvenida a los hispanos, donde indica tildar la opción "español" en el setting. Mi problema es que no se donde está este setting!. Por favor ayuda!!

    Hi. Today I have received a message of welcome to the Hispanics, where it indicates to mark the option "Spanish" in the setting. My problem is I do not know where this setting is !. Please help!!

    That setting is the last setting on the home settings page on mobile. It isn't on the web version as far as I know.