jamesfox1973: i landed in bunker 11 yrds from the hole....30/40%...hit my 60yrd wedge at 50% power....hit the ding ball travelled 3rds....so now i got 8yrd shot 30/40%...once again using my 60yrd wedge at 50% power...hit the ding....ball went 22yrds ??.....my question is how can u do 2 shot under the same conditions and have such vastly diff outcomes...
Once or twice, I've had that happen. I always figured the first shot hit the lip of the bunker (or something similar). Technically, it's not the same shot because the ball has moved some between the two shots.
But yes, it does seem curious when it happens. Still, it happens, and one just moves on.
And the person above has a good point. Depending on the bunker, I might have tried a flop shot as well in that situation. But I doubt I would have hit the full wedge at 50%. I probably would have hit at no more than 45%, depending on the bunker.