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Distance Grids

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Tue, Jun 20 2017 5:22 PM (3 replies)
  • RenoRick
    108 Posts
    Mon, Jun 19 2017 5:04 PM

    Are there different grids available for balls that are 0 distance compared to those that are 2 or 2.5?  Or, do you have to make a mental conversion of distances when using extra distance balls?

  • CEverett12
    14,177 Posts
    Mon, Jun 19 2017 6:39 PM

    Yes , Better balls go farther , Have better spin and will hold the green ...

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Mon, Jun 19 2017 7:45 PM

    Every ball or club comes with specs shown , what is it that you dont understand ? Ball specs shown :

    Distance 0- 5.0

    Spin 0 -5.0

    Durability 0 -2.5

    Meter Speed 0 -4.0 

    When putting the only spec that will affect you will be the meter speed based on the ball being used . The green speed will be the same irregardless of ball being used . So the putting grids are the same for all balls the breaks will cause the ball to behave differently with the speed of the greens . 

    Now if you mean are there charts for different ball and club combinations , yes if you either make them or get them from some one else . For that you have to chart you ball and clubs which takes time . Or the easy way is you play a lot of practice rounds and learn the basic yardages of your clubs .

    Once you learn your clubs you will or should know pretty much what you can and cant do. I play from memory and by feel not charts notebooks or any other means . It all comes from practice rounds and actual play . Get a ball and learn it with your clubs and play only that ball . The game and play will then get easier to a point . Just put your time in that`s all you have to do .

  • RenoRick
    108 Posts
    Tue, Jun 20 2017 5:22 PM

    Maybe this would be something for WGT to consider.

    My pitching wedge indicates a maximum distance of 90 yards.  I am assuming that is for a 0 distance ball.  So, it might be nice if the maximum distance (for each club) would increase slightly for 1 to 5 distance balls.

    0 distance ball = 90 yards as displayed in the distance grid

    1 distance ball = 95 yards as displayed in the distance grid
